The Mystery of what happened to My Grandpa?? | Teen Ink

The Mystery of what happened to My Grandpa??

October 26, 2016
By drewmccleary21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
drewmccleary21 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on Come on, hurry up.”
I was doing what I always do, and that was running.  My stomps on the ground cracked from the dry crisp brown leaves that had fallen over time.  It was almost completely dark in the woods and it was a little chilly.  Matthew, or Matt as everyone calls him, was more of a high jump and long jump kind of guy, while I did the running.
“You don't want to get caught.”
“Hey don't worry, I'm right behind you.  Next time we do our graffiti, let's do it a little faster so we don't have to run from any cops.”
“Good thing cops eat donuts all day.”
I knew that for a fact because my grandpa's friend showed us around the police station, and let's just say I found the stash. I like my grandpa's friend.  His name is Officer Johnson, or Steve when he's off duty.  The only problem is that he's chasing me right now.  He really only likes us when we're not doing graffiti around the town.  I can tell he’s falling behind because I can hear my name fade more and more.
“Wiiiiiiillll! Wiiiiiiill!”
This was actually the longest he's gone without giving up.
“Hey Matt, new record!”
“Maybe he layed off the donuts?”
  It took about three minutes, but he finally got off our trail.  We slowed down and stopped as we were huffing and puffing.  It was cold enough to see my breath in the cool air.  I looked back and there was Matt looking like a dog on a hundred degree day with his hands on his knees.
“Let's head back to my grandpa's house.”
So we walked tiredly back on the sidewalk while having a cookie that Matt packed in his bag along with the blue and orange spray paint.
As we were pretty much there my heart sank when I saw blue and red lights blinking in the night right in front of my grandpa's house.  I completely forgot Matt was beside me and I ran to the house as hard as I could.  I swung the door open like a whip.  Right away I saw officer Johnson with my parents standing there.  I saw a rare face on my parents that I would never forget.
“What happened?”
Officer Johnson turned to me.
“Kid, your grandpa got murdered tonight.”
That happened about a week ago and we still don't know why someone would break into my grandpa's house and kill him.  I did find out that when officer Johnson was chasing me it was about my grandpa’s house being broken into.  I wish I would've stopped and let him catch me.  I don't know even why someone would try to kill my grandpa.  When he was alive he used to be a fireman for our town and used to fish a lot, but that's all I really know.  I still have some of his old photos that I look through now and then.  Some photos are with him and the other winners at fishing competitions or him being goofy in a picture.  My favorite one is the time he won the town's fishing festival competition.  He gave me that one to me himself.  I carry it around with me all the time.
The Charleston town parade was today, so I thought me and Matt could go and see it.  I told him to meet me by the pond in the park before it started so we could go together.  Before I left I grabbed my navy blue jacket that had a whole in the right pocket.  I grabbed the knob and walked out the door to the garage that was kind of a mess and covered with junk.  I carefully got out my shiny new white bike that I got for my 14th birthday this year.  I was trying to get it out from the junk that went up to my knees.  Finally, I got out the bike from the garage and started trolling off.
When I got to the park, I put my bike slowly down next to the sidewalk so it didn't get any scratches on it.  I passed the tennis courts and went down to the pond that was surrounded by trees.  Some of the trees were leaning over and were barely touching the pond.  I looked around and didn’t see Matt anywhere.  He probably was just running a little late.  On the pond I saw the old creepy guy on his old rusty fishing boat.  I swear he fishes there everyday.  He always wears a weird crumpled up jacket with rubber boots.  That was why nobody else in the town touched the pond.
“Uuuaahhhh.” It makes me shiver inside just thinking about it.
Soon I saw Matt coming down with the backpack he wears all the time.  He told me that he wears it because he likes to be prepared or whatever. 
“Sorry about being late.”
“It's fine.  Let's get going.” We rode our bikes about a mile into town, and as we got closer I could hear the music from the band they play every year. When we got there we saw the people that were from around the town.  We locked our bikes up on  a bench next to the road near the parade and walked over to the ice cream shop.
I got my favorite flavor, which was the amazing jaw dropping triple oreo chocolate that made my mouth water just thinking about it.  After I got mine I watched Matt get this four scoop waffle cone.
“ I’ll take some uhh cookies and cream and uummm a scoop of mint.”
“Oh geese,  just pick a flavor and pay.”
“It's alright, I'll eat all of it.”
We got all of our ice cream and went to watch the parade.  We sat on the bench watching the floats go by us. The only float that wasn't there this year was this year's winners for the fishing competition.  They had to postpone it because of my grandpa dying and stuff.  He won every year and dominated the competition.  It was weird not watching that float go by.
At that moment I got my grandpa's picture out in front of me.  When I got out the photo I noticed something that I never payed attention to before.  There in the photo it showed my grandpaw in the first place spot with a plain grey shirt and dark blue jeans.  He had his fishing hat on with black shades over his eyes.  In second place was officer Johnson by his rusty old boat that didn't look in good shape.  In third place was the creepy guy in a yellow hoodie looking over to my grandpa with a snarl on his face. 
I was frozen and in this time zone that made my mind feel like splitting in two.  I had to know why he had that snarl; that look of jealousy.  
“Something on your mind”
“I don't know, I think so.  What's the prize for the competition?”
“The fishing one?”
“I think it was a new boat.”
Oh man, I remembered how bad and rusty the creepy guys boat was and thought of how badly he needed one.
“Oh no.”
“I think I know who killed my grandpa.”
“You know how my grandpa won every year.”
“Well, look at this photo.  The creepy guy doesn't look to happy and he needs a new boat.”
“What do you want to do about it?”
“I don't know, but I do know where he is right now.”
“Uh uh, nope we are not doing that.”
“Come on, why not?” I'll actually find out what happened to my grandpaw.” 
“Ehhhhhh I don't know about this, we don't even have enough proof that he did it.”
“Ok ok I think I know what to do.”
“If he killed my grandpa he must want to kill officer Johnson, so let's get him in a trap.”
“Sounds good to me. I think Officer Johnson is here today at the parade.”
“Yeah let's go find him.”
We searched and searched on our bikes until we found him by the court house.  We explained everything to him and finally got him to agree with us and get a trap going. The fishing competition was this weekend so he would have to strike tonight.
  We decided that we would surround his house with 6 police officers and wait till he shows up. They told Matt and me to hide in some bushes on the other side of the road.
That night we went to the bushes at 6:00 and waited.
“Are they even here, it's so quiet?”
“Yeah they're  here alright, they're  just hiding.”
In the distance I could hear footsteps on the road getting closer and closer.
“Shhhhhh. I hear someone.”
Whoever it was they were coming towards us and not the house.  I wanted to look up, but I knew if I did the creepy guy would see us. All of a sudden I got startled.
“Hey guys get out we got him!”
We were right, the creepy guy was the one who did it. I looked toward the police car and saw him going into it. Man that felt good.  Now I know I can go to sleep without anything on my mind.

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