The Lab | Teen Ink

The Lab

October 28, 2016
By macpost44 BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
macpost44 BRONZE, Erie, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Lab


Measure out 50ml of hydrochloric acid with graduated cylinder. Jerome had been in the lab all day and was just about to get of his shift. It had been a long a day for him and he couldn't wait to get home to see his kids and his wife. It had almost been a full 24 hours since he had seen them last. The head man in his department, Dom, had been in a very bad mood all day and had requested Jerome to do one more thing before he got to go home. One Of the generators in the back of the building had shut down and he wanted Jerome to go back and check on it.

Jerome always hated going back in that area of the building and always got a little freaked out when he did it but in order to get home with family he accepted the request. When he finally got back to the generator room, he noticed that the one generator looked like it had been hit and smashed by someone or something. There was no turning that generator back on and he would just tell Dom that he should call a repairman the next morning to come fix it.

On his way back to his office, he noticed that there was none else left in the building. He began to pack his stuff assuming that since no one else was there, that he could just leave. When he got to the front door, it was locked which he thought to be very odd. He tried another exit only to find the same result.

The entire building was locked and he was stuck inside of it. His first thought was that it was just a joke but then he started to think about the generator that had been smashed. He ran around for what seemed like hours and there was nothing. No doors, no window, nothing. Then he saw a very faint shadow of what looked like a man. It quickly disappeared but it was enough to freak out jerome horribly. He began to run and he didn't care where he was going after about 5 minutes, he found a cabinet that was big enough to fit his entire body in it. He got in and closed the door. He tried to be dead silent but he was still out of breath from running all over the building. He covered his mouth in hopes that he could quite himself.

For about 10 minutes, he heard nothing so he began to feel comfortable enough to go out and check outside. This was a huge mistake for him and the second he opened the door, the monstrous man was outside waiting for him. This sent jerome in to shock, but he was somehow able to escape the room from which the man was. At this point, he didn't know what to do so he just kept running and running and running until he couldn’t anymore. It seemed like he had gotten no where, like he had been running in the sames halls over and over even though he knew he had taken the right turns to get to a different part of the building.

This was a disaster and Jerome began to feel like just giving up. He sat on the ground near the one stare well and just began to think. He thought about the monster, he thought about his work and most of all, he thought about his family who would be waiting at home for him. This thought drove him and he even got up to try and defeat this horrible monster. He began to look for the monster instead of having it look for him. This backfired on jerome terribly.

That's when the monster came up from behind and began to choke him. Jerome struggled but could not get free of the monster that was grabbing him. The life was quickly fleeing from him and then, he was dead. All of the struggling and running that jerome had done was for nothing. He would not be able to go to be with his family anymore and they would have to live without him.

Suddenly Jerome awoke and realized that it had only been a dream. He took a breath of relief and got back to work on his experiment so that he could go back to see his family. Then his manager Dom told him to go check on the generators. He gasped in the horror of hearing this and immediately tried to leave the building, yet had no success.

The author's comments:

I love horror stories and movies, and since it is around Halloween, i decided to write my own.

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