terrified | Teen Ink


October 28, 2016
By Anonymous

Josh woke up when the car went over a pothole he opened his eyes and looked around. The sun was just about to set, he looked down and saw that his hands were taped together. He didn’t recognize the driver either  That’s when he remembered what had happened that morning.
It was an average day or so he thought. He was walking to class from his car, It was 8:35 so no one was in the parking lot. On the way from his car he passed a sketchy van that he had never seen in the lot before. He didn’t think much of it though since kids were getting cars all the time. About 30 feet past the van he heard footsteps behind him,josh turned around and was faced with a huge man about 6’5 and 300 pounds. He grabbed josh by the shoulder with an iron grip, josh tried to escape but his grip was too strong. The man brought a cloth up to his face and a few seconds later he was out.
Looking around he saw they were in the middle of nowhere on a highway. The driver was not the man who kidnapped him, he was a older man who looked to be in his 50’s and was much thinner and weaker than the man who kidnapped him. The driver was focused on the road ahead and didn’t notice that he had woken up. He decided to speak up.
“What do you want with me” Josh asked
The driver didn’t respond and continued focusing on the road
“Why am i here” he asked shakily
Again the driver didn’t respond
“Please answer me” he asked desperately
The driver just looked back at him in the mirror and then focused on the road again. A million thoughts were racing through josh’s head. What did they want from him? Why did they kidnap him he wasn’t wealthy and didn’t have any connections. He wondered what his parents were thinking or if they even knew he was gone. Where were they going? Were they going to hurt him when they got wherever they were going? He did know one thing and that was he was terrified and helpless. He started crying very softly so the driver didn’t notice that he was scared. He cried for about 15 minutes and then stopped. Once he stopped he cleared his mind and focused on how to escape. He decided to see if he could break the duct tape on his hands, no such luck it was very strong. Next he slowly moved his hands down towards the left pocket on his pants to check for his phone. Again he had no such luck they had took his phone. Looking around the car he noticed it sitting in the cup holder next to the driver. Looking around the back he tried to find something sharp to cut the duct tape with. The only things in the back was an old soda bottle and a crumpled up napkin with a stain on it. Nothing even close to being able to cut duct tape with.
He was going to have to escape by different means. He could see outside that the road was lined with grass and vegetation. That’s when he got the idea that he could just jump out. Looking at the speed gauge he saw they were going 45 mph slow enough that he could survive the jump if he landed on the grass. He reached for the door handle very slowly and quietly,so the driver wouldn’t notice, he grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open quickly. The driver looked back with a look of surprise on his face. Josh jumped out of the car and rolled out on the ground. The car screeched to a halt and the driver got out ,he had something in shiny in his hand. Josh got up quickly and started running as fast as he could. The driver was surprisingly quick for being older and weaker. He was catching up to josh very quickly he was about 10 feet behind him and was catching up quickly. Josh was running as fast as he could but he couldn’t outrun him the driver tackled josh and pinned him to the ground. He then forced josh back onto his feet and put a gun in his back and forced him back to the car. The driver opened up the back door behind the driver's seat and pointed to the seat. Josh got in sat down and put his seat belt on. The driver got in and slammed the door in anger, he started the car and drove away quickly. 
After about 15 min of driving they passed a sign on it was a name,”barret” he didn’t recognize that town name so he must of been out of state. He started to panic wondering just how far away from home he was. that’s  when they passed another sign saying “Welcome to Kansas”. That was not a good sign that meant he was 2 states away from home. He started hyperventilating and having a panic attack. How is he going to get home he thought. Would the police look this far if they knew he was missing. All these questions raced through his head and all he could do was stare wide eyed out of the window. After about 30 minutes he got out of it and thought i have to escape and find someone. He thought long and hard about what to do and finally came up with what he thought was the best answer. He was going to have to take out the driver…. What he was going to do is choke him until he passed out or died. He was going to reach his hands over the headrest of the driver's seat and over his head onto his neck and then pull back until he passed out or died. Oncer he was out josh would then jump out of the car and go to the nearest town where he would find someone and get help. He was going to wait until they passed the next town to do it. He sat silently for about 30 min before he saw a sign that read “clayton” “ one mile ahead”. Josh made his move he reached over the seat and the drivers head and started pulling back as hard as he could. The driver started resisting him and trying to break free but josh was stronger than him. The driver then slammed on the brakes making josh jump forward and lose his grip for a second, giving the driver just enough time to grab his hands and hold them away from his neck. Josh tried to put his hands back on his neck to keep choking him but he couldnt get free of him. An idea popped in his head while he was struggling to get his hands free. What if he puhsed on the back of the seat to give him more leverage so he put his feet half way up the seat and pushed against it while still pulling with his arms. Josh felt the driver start to weaken and he pushed as hard as he can and the driver let go and his hands were back on his neck. Josh kept his feet on the back of the seat to give him extra power. The driver wasn’t struggling as much anymore so josh knew he was about to become unconscious. A few second later he want limp and josh loosened up and put his hands back over the seat and took his feet off the back. Josh caught his breath and then opened up the door.
It took him about 15 min but he finally made it to clayton a wave of relief fell over him. The first thing he saw was a gas station the employee was still in there. He walked over and went inside to ask for a phone to call for help. The employee called the cops after hearing what had happened and gave him some hot coffee and some food. Minutes later there were sirens outside then a cop came in to talk to him and ask him where the car and driver were he told him and the cop sent his comrade to go check and see if the driver was still there. Josh heard the sound of 2-3 cars drive off very quickly to go check. The cop talked to josh about what had happened that day. After about 30 min of questions the cop left and gave josh his phone so he could call his parents and let them know he was ok. When they picked up they were so relieved that his mom started crying and couldn’t talk for 3 min. They talked for about 30 min and she asked if he was ok about 1000 times and every time he answered yes. Once they said their goodbyes he handed the cop back his phone and the cop walked him to his car. Josh got in and they headed to a hotel where he would spend the night and then the next day he would head back home. Once he got to his room he got in the shower and sat under the hot water for 25 min before he got out and dried off. Once he was dried off and felt fresh he went to the bed and as soon as his head hit the pillow he was asleep. He slept peacefully even though his day had been terrifying. The next morning he would get up and go to the airport to go home and put this awful experience behind him.


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