The Haunted Asylum | Teen Ink

The Haunted Asylum

November 2, 2016
By tmaine88 BRONZE, CEDAR CITY, Utah
tmaine88 BRONZE, CEDAR CITY, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Patti Donovan was a caretaker at the Corver Institute for Mental Patients. She was new to the business and only twenty-two years old. Patti is very good with other people because she grew up with six younger siblings, always having to tend them all. That’s why she was hand-picked for the job. However, it would take a horrific turn, going from something wonderful, to the scariest, most haunted asylum in history.

The day started off like any other day. Patti woke up at 6:45 like usual. It took her about thirty minutes to get ready, and the drive to work took fifteen minutes. She needed to be there by eight, but Pattie is the kind of person that likes to get to anywhere early, just in case of any problems.
As she arrived, she settled into her office on the sixth floor of the building. Although the building only had 6 main floors, it had a secret floor for one patient that went completely insane. His name was Giovanni “Chucky” Gomez. Anyways, her boss walked in the giant doorway and gave Patti her coffee and chocolate chip cookie like usual. Her boss, Randa, was a really cool gal and their relationship had become very close because they worked together.
“I need those reports on that girl who tried to escape!”said Randa. “What was her name? I totally forgot.
“I think it was something like Sammy or, well, I don’t really remember,” replied Patti.
“Sherri! That’s it. I have no idea how I forgot that,”Randa yelped with a surprised look on her face.
“Oh yeah, huh! Well, I’ll get those to you as soon as possible. Thanks boss!”
Randa walked out the door, looking dazed, frightened, and confused. This was because the security footage behind Patti’s desk had shown a younger looking girl just walking around by herself. It was almost as if she was trying to find her way up to the secret floor, where Giovanni wanders around in the dark, lonely as can be.

The day progressed and Patti was getting tired. She had already taken care of seventeen people in the Institute by twelve o’clock. With three hours left until Patti got off work, she decided to take her one hour lunch break. There was a Wendy’s up the street, so she went ahead and drove up there. On her way out of the building, she noticed something peculiar. There was a speck of light shining inside one of the shattered windows in which Chucky stayed. Without totally disregarding it, Patti proceeded to getting in her car and drove away.
When she got back, it was pitch black in the window she had seen light in before, so she thought that was absurd. She thought she should go mention it to Randa. By the time she thought of what to tell her boss, it was almost time for Pattie’s shift to end. She knocked on her boss’s door.
“Hey Patti! What can I do for you?” asked Randa.
“I just wanted to talk to you about something. So you know the really insane patient we keep locked up on the secret level?” said Patti.
“Yeah. We call him Chucky, right?”
“Correct. Anyways, while I was out on my lunch break, I noticed a faint light shining in the room. I think we need to check this out. I think Sherri has something to do with it,” explained Patti.
“Oh shoot. Yes! We definitely need to get on that. Let’s look into it tomorrow,” Randa said.
Patti agreed and said goodbye. As she walked out of the building for the last time that day, she saw the light again. However, this time there were two shadows lurking around in the distance.

The next day, Patti was extremely tired. She didn’t get much sleep the night before because she was up thinking about all of the different possibilities for why there was light in that room. The scary thing about this is that there are no lights on the secret floor.
On her way out the door, Patti noticed that the skies had grown a lot darker and there were storm clouds as black as the dead of night. She proceeded on and drove to work. When, she got there, the Institute looked totally abandoned. There was absolutely nobody in sight. However, there was one person. Patti stepped out of her car. “Whoosh,” went the wind. In the highest, most tattered up window, stood Sherri, the girl who tried to escape. She was about to jump and fall to her death. Patti raced into the building and up to the secret level. She was a cheetah, dashing through the jungle.
Then, when she got to the secret floor, she figured out what the light had been. It was a cozy fire in the middle part of the big room. She tiptoed through the room, as quietly as a mouse scurrying around. Eventually she noticed something. In the corner of the room stood Giovanni “Chucky” Gomez. He looked as scary as ever. Chucky had a knife in his hand. Patti was scared for her life. As the wind howled, Chucky and Patti both looked at the very still body in the window, and then back at each other. Chucky let out the most blood-curdling shriek, then stabbed Sherri in the back with his knife. The body went limp. As blood dripped from the knife, Chucky shoved Sherri’s body out the window.
Then, moving slowly towards Patti with a sly grin on his face, Chucky said in the most mysterious voice, “You’re next.”

The author's comments:

I had to write a scary story for school!

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