Runaway Crime | Teen Ink

Runaway Crime

October 25, 2016
By eatmoreckn BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
eatmoreckn BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There he was in the center of the cornfield running. With Queen right beside him and his dog, Spade behind him. He ran from something he couldn’t see. He ran until a shape of a man jumped out in front of him. With another man hot on his tail.
He woke up in a cold sweat he looked at the clock, five forty-eight a.m., he was going to wake up in 12 minutes anyway. So he rolled out of bed and groaned as he went to the bathroom. He shaved, took a shower and brushed his teeth. He went to his closet and got on some clothes. His phone rang, he walked over to the phone and picked it up off the table. “We need you at the office now.”
He grabbed his keys and ran out of the apartment building. He opened the car door and hopped inside. He pulled his car out of the parking lot and went down the street. The light turned red and the cars going the other way went. As he waited he heard sirens, he looked around and saw a car speeding across the intersection and he struck another car. He followed the car onto a dirt road and it was speeding. It veered off the road into the woods. He couldn’t find it anywhere. So he left and went to work.
When he got to work it was, 7:04 a.m, just in time he thought. His boss met him at the door of, The Detective Agency. He handed Ace his file for the day, Mr. King said, “It’s a hot one Ace, they need you now.”
Ace went up the elevator to go get Queen, when he got to the third floor, she jumped in. Ace and Queen walked to the car they hopped in and a dog whimpered by the door of the car. Ace opened the door and picked up the mutt, he was very clean. They called him Spade.
They drove through the countryside and soon found the scene of the crime, The Eltsac Mansion.
When they got out of the car they saw the mansion, it was huge! The corners were like towers of a castle. It had millions of windows and looked like a very modern castle. There was caution tape fifteen feet from every side of the house. He walked over to the police officers showing them his badge. The badge was old, he had changed a lot from when he was a young eighteen year old detective six years ago.
The officer let him pass and he walked in the castle like house. He found Mrs. Eltsac, he introduced himself. She had tear stains down her cheeks.
“Hello Mrs. Eltsac,” Ace said.
“Please call me Lauren,” she said.
“So, what happened ma’am?” Ace asked.
“I left to go to the store and when I got home, this was here.”
“Who was home?” He questioned.
“The maid, the butler, the chef, and the gardener.”
Four suspects Ace thought as he walked to look at the body. No blood, no bruises, and no fingerprints. The murder had to be by poison. Ace got an idea.
“Where were you when Mr. Eltsac was murdered?”
“Cleaning the kitchen.” The chef said in his snobby british accent.
“Did you kill Mr. Eltsac?”
“I would never,” he replied quickly. “But I heard the gardener and the maid talking about something that sounded fishy.”
He went to talk to the Maid but she was missing. Where could she be? Queen and Ace searched the hallways looking for her, Spade was behind him sniffing around when he yelped. Ace turned around and Spade was sitting down Ace walked over and Spade followed a trail to a bedroom. A small bottle was on the bed. It had purple liquid in he got on latex gloves and examined the small bottle. He put the powder on the bottle and examined the fingerprints.
He got the fingerprints from everybody in the house, but he still couldn't find the maid. They said after the murder she went to town.
We waited for about an hour for the maid to come back. She had milk and eggs. I went outside and saw the car had a large dent in the side of it. He thought about his way to the mansion. The red car hit the other and left the scene. He walked inside and asked for the maid.
The sat at the kitchen table and Spade was sitting next to him on the checkered floor.
“How did the dent get in the car?” Ace questioned.
“On the way to the store I got hit.”
He walked out of the kitchen. Walked into the living room and pulled Queen outside.
“It’s the maid.” Ace said.
“We don’t know yet.”
“She hit the other car on our way here.”
Ace and Queen rushed inside and said. “Maid you're arrested for killing Mr. Eltsac.”
“I didn't do it!”
“Save it for the judge,” Queen said.

They got in the car and everybody left the scene. Ace’s pager rang, Queen answered and after a minute or so she said, “Okay, we will.” We turned the car around and went back.
When we got there Mrs. Eltsac had died. She was killed right after we left and we knew who it was. The Cook.
“Cook you're arrested.” Ace said.
“We found out that after the Eltsac’s die you get their fortune. You are the only one that has access to the food to poison it and you have blood stains on your shirt from using the knife on Mrs. Eltsac.”
“I didn’t do it.”
“Your fingerprints were on the poison.” Queen said.
“Okay… It was me.”
“Why?” Queen asked before Ace could.
“I wanted the money.”
They took him to jail and let Maid out. The mansion was passed down to the Eltsac kids and all was okay.
“Another case closed for Ace and Queen” Ace said.
Spade barked.
“And Spade.” Queen said.
He wondered what the dent in the car was. He went back to inspect it. When he got there he found grey scraps tiny metal in the cars dent. He remember the hit car was grey and the tires had mud all over them. He took a sample of the mud and went to the woods. He took a sample and examined both. They were the same mud. She helped the cook kill the Eltsac’s. They arrested her and everything was okay again.
He got home from work took off his clothes and fell asleep. When he woke up he was in a car. Nobody else was there. He looked out the window and saw a big cornfield. With woods directly across.
He got out and ran to the cornfield, he didn't realized Queen was behind him and Spade. He ran with voices behind him, and dogs! He ran trying to get to the other side. A helicopter flew over, Queen must have called the police. He heard sirens, they were close. All they needed was to get out, the cops are on the other side as soon as they jumped out the kidnappers were right there and the police tasered them.In shock they fell the the ground.
They worked for the Cook and Maid. They wanted to get all of Eltsac’s riches with no attention drawn.But they drew the attention of Ace, and it was done. No more threat to the Eltsac family. They were all in jail and will be for a long time.

The author's comments:

I thought of a good old mystery and came up with this.

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