Amber Alert | Teen Ink

Amber Alert

October 25, 2016
By kaitlynngordon BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
kaitlynngordon BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Good luck tonight! You'll do great, Al!” shouted Mrs. Wood from the
“Thanks, Mom!” shouted back Alex, or Al, or Alexandra, or whatever you'd
like to call her.
Alex’s dad was one of her volleyball coaches. Her dad was pretty cool
and so was her mom. Alex’s house was the house all of her friends wanted to hang out at because her parents were so laid back. She has two younger sisters, 5 and 9, which isn't all that bad. She was super close with her mom, which Alex was very grateful for.
Alex ran from the kitchen and headed for the front door. She was in the midst of turning the doorknob when an Amber Alert began going off on the TV. She ran to get the remote knowing that her little sister with autism would freak out at the beeps the TV made during an Amber Alert. She grabbed the remote and immediately turned off the TV. There had been quite a few Amber Alert’s in Alex’s area lately which was quite odd considering her dad had said there wasn't an Amber Alert in their area for almost 15 years, older than Alex herself.
They lived in a town called Riverside. It wasn’t a super small town, but it also wasn’t the biggest. Alex liked it. She liked her school. She liked going to the football games. She liked being able to go and do stuff with her friends. It was just great.
Riverside is also where she had met her best friend, Adeline. They met in 7th grade when they entered middle school. They clicked almost automatically and did everything together. They told each other everything and were completely honest with each other. The two had never gotten into a fight. Ever. Adeline's Aunt May was always taking the two shopping, to get their nails done, to see movies, and all sorts of other fun activities around town. She had no kids of her own but called Alex and Adeline her own.
As Alex walked into the school gym, she made dead eye contact with her and her best friends’ worst enemy, Rachel. Rachel had been Adeline and Alex’s other best friend up until a few months into 7th grade, then they kicked her to the curb because they were finally done with her drama. She was very off and on with all of her friends and it was always her way or the highway. Of course, just by Alex’s luck, she had been trying out for volleyball. She wasn’t very good, though so Alex wasn’t worried and she calmed down. That didn’t last very long.  Apparently, Rachel had gotten a trainer and for the past 8 months, she was working on her passes and serving. This was bad news for Alex because that meant that for the next 2 months, her and Rachel would have to be together during tournaments and games. As soon as Alex got home, she texted Adeline and told her about how Rachel was trying out.
The next day at school,  Alex was looking for Adeline but there was no sign of her. Adeline hadn’t responded to Alex’s text from the night before. In first period, Adeline wasn’t there. Alex began to worry. They have side by side lockers and she wasn’t there either. After third period, Alex then went to the school office, where her mom works, and she asked her if Adeline had been counted absent in her classes.
“Yes, she was absent in all three of her classes so far, why?” Mrs. Wood asked/
“She hasn’t responded to my texts, my snapchats, and there is no traces of her anywhere here at school,” Alex responded back to her mom.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure she just has an appointment or is sick.”
“Why isn’t she responding to my texts?” Alex knew her mom was just trying to help her worry less.
“She might have gotten her phone taken away.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Gotta go mom, can’t be late.” Alex walked to her fourth period. She said that her mom was probably right, but deep down inside, she had a bad feeling that something was wrong with Adeline.
A few days had passed and finally somebody had said something about wondering where Adeline was. Of all people, it was Rachel’s best friend Olivia. Olivia was a cheerleader, just like Adeline.
“Where’s Adeline, Alex? She’s already missed multiple practices before this week. Hope she has a valid reason for all this time missed.” Olivia knew just how to make Alex mad.
“She always has a valid reason and you know that. Also, you know she’s only missed two practices.” Alex snapped back at Olivia. Alex knew it was useless to try and that Olivia would just keep the feud going.
  The reason Adeline had been missing so many practices was because she had to appear in court as her parents were battling over custody. Olivia didn’t want to admit it, but she had understood exactly what Adeline was going through because she had gone through the exact same thing with her parents just the year before.
“I highly doubt she has a valid reason at all.”
“Ok Olivia, we both know that you know what Adeline is going through right now.”
“Whatever.” That might have been the shortest argument Olivia had ever gone through. Alex was getting to her, though. Alex knew she was getting to Olivia. Olivia walked away and you could see on her face that she was upset. Olivia was close with both of her parents and seeing them first hand end their marriage was hard. She knew it was hard for Adeline, too, but again, didn’t want to admit that she was upset.
After the argument was over, Alex got back to the problem at hand. Where in the world was Adeline Van Allen?
Later that day, when Alex was coming home from another day of tryouts, her dad turned the corner and Alex’s nightmare became a reality. There were two cop cars outside of Alex’s house. She knew exactly what this was about. She instantly broke down into tears. Her dad had no idea what was going on so he ran in the house panicked. Alex collected herself because she wanted to know exactly why the police were at her house.
“Are you Alex?” asked a police officer. Alex had to look up to him because he was so tall.
“Yes, I am” Alex responded with a shake in her voice.
“I’m Officer Smith and I came to ask you if you know where your friend is.”
“My friend? As in Adeline Van Allen? I have no idea where she is. She’s been missing from school and I’m worried and I didn’t know what to do and people have told me that they’re sure she is fine and is probably sick but I have a bad feeling that’s not it and-” she got cut off and was also in the midst of tears.
“Alex, we don’t know where your friend is either. We released an amber alert on Sunday night after getting a call from her mother about her daughter not being home on time and not answering her phone. Your friend Adeline Van Allen is missing, Alex.”
Alex didn’t know how to respond, she just burst into tears. There were three other police officers. They asked her for her phone and for her to unlock it so they can check texts and social media so they can look and see if there is anything suspicious on Adeline’s social media or in any texts.
“Alex, go put your stuff away, honey,” her mom said.
“Ok.” Alex said starting to go up the flight of stairs to her room.
Her room was a good size. Adeline had left some of her clothes here the last time she stayed the night and looking at the pile of Adeline’s clothes made Alex break down again. By this time, Alex’s makeup was smeared all over the place so she decided to wipe it off and put some cold water on her face to also try and get rid of all the redness all over her face.
She went back downstairs and Adeline’s mom had arrived and was sitting at the kitchen table talking to the officers. Adeline’s mom heard Adeline coming down the stairs and turned around. She jumped up to give Alex a hug and apologized for not telling Alex about what was going.
“It’s fine, I understand how hard this is.” Alex kept calm and tried to keep herself together for Adeline’s moms’ sake.
“Thanks for understanding. It’s so hard. I just want to know where she is.” Adeline’s mom began tearing up but tried collecting herself.
“We haven’t found anything odd or suspicious from anything Adeline has done. Had she been acting suspicious? Did she have depression or has anything that could’ve made her want to possibly…. Runaway?” an officer asked
“Not that I know of. She’s never really showed any sign of depression or deep sadness. She’s always been a happy girl.”
“Ok well, we have to keep the possibility of a runaway, I don’t think it was but we have to keep even the smallest chance of a runaway.” another officer said.
“Let's get down to business because I really just want to find my daughter…. And soon.” Adeline's mom said. She was one upset mom just trying to find her daughter. Alex knew that and she was bound and determined to find Adeline no matter how long it took.
On Sunday night, after a couple days of investigation, Adeline’s dad became a suspect. The first suspect. He didn't come to Alex’s house to help with investigation at all. He insisted it was because he was busy with work. After the police ensured him they could get him time off, he still insisted on working and said he would help if they needed anything. Nobody believed this and became very suspicious so the police asked for Adeline’s dads’ phone number.
“(668-437-3230) “ Alex responded.
“Alright thank you. We’re going to be using it to track down his phone and that will more than likely be where he is.”
A few hours later, the police had tracked his phone to the Riverside Motel. It was a nice sized motel in a busier part of town He was staying there because Adeline's parents were getting a divorce and there was currently nothing close enough to his work for sale or rent. After asking the person at the main office what room he was staying in, they all walked in a line up to his second floor room and the police starting banging on the door.
“ Mr. Van Allen, please open your door at this very minute.”
No answer.
“Sir, we demand it. We have a warrant and would like to search your room.”
Still no answer. The police then kicked down the door and Mr. Van Allen was running out of the bathroom with a scared look on his face.
“Sir, we would like you to come to the station.  We will also be searching your room along with the rest of the hotel. Anything you say can and will be held against you. “
“What is this for, may I ask?”
“Your daughters disappearance, sir. You are the only current suspect.”
“Really?! Me?! I would never.” Mr. Van Allen responded with a scared look on his face.
“Never say never, Sir. Come with us.” The tall officer said.
Later at the station, the interrogation was held, Adeline's dad was acting suspicious and scared. Too scared. Her dad continues as a suspect and is still the only suspect.
The police shut down the whole motel in search of Adeline Van Allen. Alex is watching all of this unfold right in front of her and can't handle all of it.
The next day, there was a big storm that rolled through Riverside that was so bad in some areas that they had to cancel school. Alex was glad that she had an extra day to still recover from Adeline's disappearance. Everyone's power went out causing the whole city to flock to nearby hotels and motels because they have generators. Many people tried going to the Riverside Motel but were instead, turned down because of an “ongoing event”. That event being the the search for Adeline.
“This is stupid, we want a place to stay and can't have one!”
“Yeah, what ‘event’ is going on anyways,” a couple of customers shouted at the main office.
“ A police investigation going on all throughout. We are very sorry for the inconvenience,” The hotel clerk responded.
That night, on the news, there was a report about how the Riverside motel was on shut down for police investigation. Alex, was somewhat shocked to see it on the news. What shocked Alex the most was that they listed the reason for it being shut down. Nobody knew about Adeline being missing except for the people involved. Apparently, Adeline's dad had taken work off, even though he said he didn't, and told his employer about how he was going through some family issues with his daughter. His employer just so happened to be Olivia's dad and Olivia had told her dad about how Adeline was missing and the two put the puzzle together. Adeline's dad had something going on with his daughter that upset him. He was staying at the motel that was being closed for investigation. To finish it off, Adeline was missing. Who other than Olivia Haral herself would start the rumor that Adeline Van Allen was missing.
The rumor has begun going around and eventually was told to a police officer who then, accidentally confirmed it. The news made it back to the local newspaper who then informed the local news station.
Alex was not ready to go back to school on Tuesday but knew she had to. Adeline's dad was in jail and was set to go into court the next week. Alex got ready for bed and then tried sleeping. She had many nightmares about what could possibly happen or could have happened to Adeline.
The next day at school, people were constantly asking Alex about Adeline. She began to be so frustrated that she had to go home because she was breaking down. Her mom was the one who picked her up from school,because she worked there, and offered to take her to lunch. Alex took her up on the offer and as they were sitting down to eat, Alex's mom got a phone call.
“Hello?” Mrs. Wood answered.
“He what? Well, do they have a new lead,then? Who? No. It can't be. Ok well get back with me later. Keep me updated. Thanks. Alright, bye.” Alex’s mom hung up the phone.
“What was that about? A new lead?” Alex asked.
“A new lead for Adeline's disappearance. It's not her dad.”
“Then who is it?”
“They believe it's Aunt May. They're tracking her down as we speak. I'm so sorry, Al.”
It couldn't be. Alex was in shock because Aunt May treated Alex and Adeline as her own. Alex thought about it all night and everything began to make sense, Aunt May was married to the love of her life. Once her and her husband found out they couldn't have kids, her husband divorced her and left without telling her. After that, she went crazy, nobody knew about her going crazy, though. She kidnapped Adeline because she figured if she had kids, her life would be complete and her husband would come back to her. Alex was still unable to wrap her mind around the fact that one of her mother figures kidnapped her own niece, Alex's best friend.
The police were unable to find aunt May that day. One of May's’ friends, Tina was the one who reported that she believed May was the one to kidnap Adeline. Tina told the cops she was afraid May would come after Alex next so, the police were stationed outside of Alex's home. One one both sides of her street and another, hiding in an undercover car in Alex's driveway.
Alex knew two things that were going to happen that night. Someone that used to me very close with her was going to attempt to kidnap her and her best friend was going to be found and saved. She was inside waiting on May to get to her house. She knew she would be fine but, at the moment she was only worried about Adeline. The cops believed that Adeline was in May’s house so once they saw that May’s phone had left her house, the cops had began driving toward her house to get Adeline.
Alex and her mom were sitting in the kitchen talking when the cop that was stationed outside of Alex's house came in. Alex thought for sure he was coming to notify her that someone just attempted to kidnap her. Instead, he was coming into notify her and her mom that two of the cops keeping watch on her house were leaving to go get Adeline.
“Officer Niles and Officer Rich were on their way to get Adeline when they say May stopped at a gas station. She tried speeding away when she saw them pulling in. They eventually caught up to her. We’re on our way to get Adeline right now. Goodbye.” The officer reported and walked out
“Get shoes on, you're about to go see your best friend.” Mrs. Wood told Alex.
Alex slipped on a pair of shoes and ran to the car. She was so relieved about this whole situation. Mrs. Wood called Adeline's mom and her mom was already half-way to the house, in a cop car, and was crying of happiness.
Driving up to the house was surreal for Alex. She had been to that house a million times and this time she was pulling up, there was police tape, an ambulance, and not to mention tons of cop cars. Alex was running up to the house when she saw Adeline. They both shouted for each other and ran to each other. When they got to each other, they hugged and began to cry more than they ever thought possible. Adeline's mom was talking to the police, as well as Alex's mom. The girls didn't let go of eachother for a good five minutes.
Adeline told the police and her family members about everything that had happened to her during her time being kidnapped. May was put in prison and was set for court the following week. Tina was rewarded for telling the police everything. The charges pressed against Adeline's dad were taken off and he was taken out of jail. Adeline was safe and Alex and Adeline's friends and family couldn't be happier.
Adeline's friends and family had gone to her house and all gave her hugs and everyone stayed and ate and hung out in the celebration of Adeline being safe. Alex looked around at everyone there and was again, very relieved at Adeline being ok and Alex's world being complete again.

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