The Tragic Birthday | Teen Ink

The Tragic Birthday

December 21, 2016
By Christina.Wheeler BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Christina.Wheeler BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thump. Thump. I am running. There is no turning back. How could this be happening on my birthday? I hear the crunch of leaves behind me. I see the glow of lights. I feel the cold, crisp Autumn air on my face. I smell the faint, wet wood. I am running with heels in the woods, and I can't bring myself to look back. If I look back, I feel like I can't go anymore. The man, I know he is catching up, but I just can't run faster. My body is slowing down and I have no energy.
The glowing lights. Maybe it is a house I think to myself. That is my encouragement. I have to keep going to the light. I have scrapes, cuts, and many bruises. I can't die today. The light is my only hope and only chance of survival. All I have to do is get to the light. I stop in my tracks. The crunch of the leaves and heavy footsteps aren't there. I hear yelping. Could it be a trick? There is no chance I am turning back. I take cover and hide behind a tree. I can feel my heart beating through my chest and my breathing is hard. I restore my energy and get back on my feet. Wait! Those aren't house lights. I look closer, but there is no time, the yelping has stopped, and the sounds of laden footsteps are back. I have no time to look, so I keep running.
I am getting closer to the lights. They are getting brighter, and faint music is ringing in my ears. It’s the haunted water park. In 1955, there was a water park built in Phoenix, Arizona. The park lived its life for 55 years. It closed down in 2010 which was six years ago. The water park could have stayed in business if the accident hadn't happened. A young boy about the age of six came to this park for his sixth birthday. He was so excited, but what was a happy day, turned out to be an awful, sad, tragic day. After the boys passing, the park, Rapid Waters, was marked unsafe and closed. Rapid Waters had a Ferris Wheel, water slides, food vendors, small shops, a swimming pool, and roller coasters. Legend has said that the music has never stopped playing and never will until the ghost of the six-year-old boy takes a life here on their birthday.
The music I hear is getting louder, and the man is catching up. The sky is getting dark, and the cool breeze has become a harsh, cold wind. I have no plan but to keep running. I slow down, and it feels like my heart is beating through my chest. There is no safe place to go but up. The Rolling Rapid Water Slide is what the park was named after, and also where the six-year-old died. This slide was known to be one of the tallest and longest slides in the world. I would go on it if someone hadn't died on it. My breathing is slowing down, but my legs are moving faster than a fighter jet. Up the stairs I go.  There is no turning back now. He has caught up and is climbing up the stairs. “Come on,” I think to myself, “Does this psycho ever give up?”
My calves burn, and I can hear the man's heavy breathing. The sound of crickets fills the air. I have finally come to the top of the stairs. The slide is taunting me, and the music has stopped. This is it, I just know it. The music stopped and the boy is about to take my life. The crazy person chasing me is finishing the last set of stairs. This is my 16th birthday, and there is absolutely no way I am dying today. I still have so many goals and activities I want to accomplish. I have new motivation and all I have to do is put one foot in front of the other and go down the slide.
The slide is steep and fast. The man is staring and starts to run back down the stairs. Maybe this is my chance to get away. If I run fast enough I can beat him. I can get away. I hear a kerplunk. I hear yelling and screaming. Then it’s silent. All you can hear are the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind and crickets talking. I turn my head and see a person on the ground next to the stairs. It’s the man. He fell off the stairs and onto the ground. What do I do? Do I run, do I call 911, but I don't have a phone. Do I go see if he is okay? I am not done with this fight. I will keep running, and I won't give up. If I hadn’t gotten mad at my party none of this would be happening. The whole reason this man is chasing me is because I left my party. The man started chasing me while I was walking past the park. It was almost like he knew I would be there.
I am not done fighting. I am so close to the city, and I see the glowing streetlights along with the wet roads. I look back to see if the man is still on the ground.  Yes, he is, and thank goodness for that. I pick up my pace after looking at the time. I need to get to the police station before 11:00 p.m. because I am extremely tired. I can hear the rushing of cars, the smell of fast food restaurants fill the air, and I can see the stop lights reflection in the roads. My body aches from running, I have side cramps, my head is throbbing, I am dizzy, sweaty, full of cuts and bruises from branches, and my legs are giving out. Just a few more steps to the station. Thud. As I reach for the door my legs give out and I collapse to the cold cement. I feel like I was laying there for an hour before someone noticed me. A cop comes running to the door and pulls me inside. My voice is raspy and my eyes are barely open. “The man, the one chasing me is at Rapid Waters. He fell off the slide. He tried to ki…” I can't talk anymore. My voice is tired and I am falling asleep. I can hear the murmurings of people and the warm touch of hands trying to wake me up. I  hear the responses on the radios and the doors opening. The car engines starting and sirens turn on. I know the cops are looking for the guy. I am woken up by a hand on my face.
“Are you alright?” a cop asks.
“Yes,” I respond.
“We have cops on your case now. Is there any description you can remember about the man.”
“All I remember seeing was a dark black cloak and a strange mask on his face,” I said.
“Okay, thanks for your help!” answered the cop.
I begin to get my strength back and get to my feet. The radios are going off like crazy and cop cars are coming and going. I finally hear what I was waiting for. “Target found,” says someone on the radio, “he is in critical condition and we have identified the subject.” “His name is Carl Bane, the six-year-olds brother,” another radio states. I hear car engines and sirens. The flashing lights of red, white, and blue can be seen through the window and I know I am safe. I call my parents and head home. Another birthday party that was amazing. I may not have spent it with my family, but I am safe and that all I care about. One more year of my life celebrated by running from a crazy guy.      

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