The unspoken Friend | Teen Ink

The unspoken Friend

January 26, 2017
By christelldiaz1 BRONZE, Lynbrook, New York
christelldiaz1 BRONZE, Lynbrook, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its October 22, 1821, in London the weather was just starting to change and the wind was getting stronger. Liam bucket was coming back from work. He was driving to pick up his younger sister Mia from school. He finally gets there through all the traffic. He sees his sister and picks her up.


“Hi Masson how was work?” Mia said


Liam replied, “It was great, it has been a long day, I’m really tired”


“My birthday is coming soon and I’m still thinking on what to do” Mia said in excitement


Liam uttered, “well don’t make it so expensive Mia we still have to do a lot”


Mia mumbled, “I know”


As soon as they go home they relaxed and Liam took a nap. Mia left and went into her room to call her friends.  Liam woke up and he was thinking maybe one day Mia would find out what his real job was and he forgot why he never told Mia that he was a detective after all their family issues. But Liam has been pretending to be a doctor his whole life. 

It was the next day a Friday afternoon,

“Liam I’m going out with my friends for the night” Mia said 

“Ok, be careful”

Liam had to go on a detective mission so he thought it was great timing that Mia wanted to go out. Mia went out with her friends and when she was out she saw someone familiar but just glanced at the person really quick but didn’t really care so she went on with what she was doing. Liam just figured that his mother was missing, he figured that it was bad since she was a bad person and an alcoholic. After he noticed that problem and called Mia if she was ok. Liam decided to find his mother later on because he had many more thing to do and figured she wouldn’t remember her family and wasn’t worried about she doing bad things to them. After a while it was coming to November and he was solving a mystery about how a mother that died in her house while her husband was there so he was trying to solve if it was the husband. Liam thought it was very interesting. It was the next day and Liam was getting ready for the day and thinking about like things and issues he woke up Mia and continued the day. It was a Saturday and it was a day when Liam is off work and he relaxes, today is a day he wants to go out with Mia and doesn’t want to make it a stressful day. Today they are planning to go out to eat but Mia wanted to go out with her friends at an amusement park and Liam said it was ok because he understood how teens always wanted to go because he been through it at one point.

It was the next day and Mia wasn’t home but Liam suspected that she slept over her friend’s house so the day went by and he tried to call her but she didn’t answer. He wasn’t worried at the moment and didn’t think it was a big deal. He might have thought her phone died. Hours had passed and Liam started to get worried. He started to think where she could be so he called one of her friends and founds out that her best friend isn’t home and her parents are looking for her so Liam gets scared and worried about where she is. Liam has been searching and searching for hours and remembers that she said she wanted to go to the circus so he looked around the circus and found a blood trail and got scared if she died because she was the only thing he had from is family especially when he had a hard life as a young boy. Liam went back home to call the police, but then thought to himself he should find it out himself since her is a detective. He went back home to figure things out, he also wanted to see if any of his friends saw Mia around.

It was the next day and Liam was scared that he lost her because he loved her with all her heart.

He finally had an idea on how his mother escaped from prison and thinks that it was her who took Mia, but that the moment he was thinking if Mia was ok or if she died. Days had passed and Mia still hasn’t been found not even her closes friend. Her parents are getting worried about their daughter there practically falling apart because they had lost a bunch of money and lost their daughter and having life problems. 

It was October 29 and Liam finally decided he needed help so called his detective friends and told them to help him.

Liam forgot that he could’ve look in her room so he went up the steps of his house into her bed room. Heard no noise silent like no one was living. Liam was thinking that his life without Mia would be lonely and very quiet and thought what if he lost her and (tear falling down his face). Liam started to look around her room and didn’t see anything yet but kept looking, 1 hr. passed and he found something, he found finger prints that weren’t hers he took them and tested them, it was an unknown person. He kept on looking found one more person and other items that Liam didn’t know Mia owned so suspected that there was someone else that came in that did things. 

Liam went to the police department and asked if there was anything new with his mother so he could find things out. 

"Hey, anything new with my mother?" Liam said

"No, we found ideas where she could be but not found yet" the officer said

"Alright thanks" Liam said politely 

Liam continued his day. For some reason he felt very different like the world had change it was very quiet and soft that he was wondering what had happen. Liam went home, opened his door with a "squerk" sound it was very silent and lonely he went up the stairs step by step. Liam went in his room looking at lasts new papers new if he could fin anything he went place to place seeing if his younger sister was there and asked people if they had seen her around hours and hours had passed by finally there was this one person who had saw my sister running and crying look like she needed help but that person said they didn’t help her at the moment because they were in a rush to go somewhere important. The woman was by 22 baker street when she saw Mia. Liam went into his car and started driving around 22 baker street and see if there was anything of Mia finger print or foot print around of her.  He found something didn’t know if it was hers or if it was not so he took it so he can look at it if there was anything to make it easier to find her. Liam tested the sample of the foot print search if there was a similar one he was searching for hours finally found it who it was he was in shock he dropped everything and called his detective friends and told them they found a finger print of his mother.

It was the next day and Liam was remembering how his mother hated Mia and wanted to hurt her most of the time they were together Liam remembered how his mom was very abusive to her children she wasn’t a great mother. Liam left his partners search for more and Liam was left to think how to solve this obviously needed back up from the police if he ever solves the crime. Liam went upstairs into Mia room once again to see if there was anything else to figure out he was looking around he found a paper that said there was a carnival around and found it hidden maybe Mia wanted to go out to the carnival around after Liam finding that he did some research of the carnival and see if anything happened there that day and maybe it would see if she went there or something happened that may have to deal with Mia.  he was researching and researching, typing and typing like he was the flash with his fingers he found a lot of information. He found out that there were things going on at the carnival there where people missing and there were accidents.  He noticed there were more people that had gone missing. 

It was a day for looking for Mia he found a lots of information where she might of gone. He went searching with his friend where all the places she might have been he looks for days and he found a place where the carnival was it was in a place where is was close to the woods he didn’t find much but started searching in the woods and found something suspicious he went in the woods more and found a little house not really it was a little house made of sticks and looks like it wasn’t very stable. He looked to see if anyone was going to come out, no one did so he walked up to the house very slowly it was quiet all you can here are the birds and the flies flying around he was very close to the little house and he called

"Bello anyone there" he said very quietly

Liam thought if he said it loud that they would freak out and the victim would run away or something. After that he started to look around the outside of the little house to find the door he slowly opened the door and he saw someone tied up and covered with a large blanket the person did say a word he thought it was od. He went closer tot the person who was tied up and covered by the blanket it was Mia best friend...

             He was shocked, he quickly helped her and untied her and asked if she was ok


"Marianna are you ok was anyone else with you" said Liam


"I'm fine but they hurt us" she said in fear


"who is us?! Who else was with you" 


"Mia she got token away yesterday" she said in worry 


"Do you know where she got token away"


"No but she got token away with an old lady, I have been here a day by myself I think they new people were looking for her"


Liam slowly picked Marianna up and helped her get to her family safely. Marianna forgot what happened the whole time she was kidnapped. Liam was happy because he knew that Mia wasn’t dead. He went searching for her. He waited a few hours to ask questions to Marianna and to see if she remembers how everything happened.

Hours passed by and Liam pulled up Marianna's house and walked up to her door and rang the door bell "ding dong". Slowly you here someone walking up to the door.

"Hi I'm Liam I just came to ask Marianna some questions so I can get an idea where my little sister Mia might be"


" Oh hi, yes I will call Marianna down, you may come in"


"Marianna may you please come down Liam wants to ask you some questions"


Liam walks into there and house and slowly closes their door. Liam sits down on the couch waiting for Marianna to come down. It surprisingly takes a long to, so Marianna's parents start to go up to see why she is taking so long. Finally her parent come back down and Marianna is right be hind them, it seems there was a problem but they didn’t say anything but I just continued with what I had to do. Marianna sat down right next to me.


"Hi Marianna I just wanted to ask some questions so it would be easier for me to find Mia"


"ok" Marianna said rapidly


"Do you remember how it first started?"


"….uhh yes I do I remember I took Mia to a carnival and we went into the hunted house and it was all a blur we got pulled out of our carts and we couldn’t see anything all I remember was me and Mia screaming and getting tied up"


"Do you know how the person looks like"


"No I remember that the lady was way older than us and strong looked like she has been in prison before "


"Ok, that interesting. Do you remember anything else”?


"Yes, I remember when she had a mask on and she took me and Mia into the forest and left us there for hours, we where left in a house in the middle of no where, she took Mia into a van and then left me here"


"Wow ok thank you for you patients and consideration for helping me get more information"


Liam say good bye to Marianna's family and tells them thank you and opens the door and leave.  

Liam went home thinking of the information that Marianna gave him. He seemed that Marianna was suspicious because she was hesitating a lot on her sentences. But he didn’t think that she would do anything bad because he whole life he met Marianna as a really sweet girl who cared for people and want a great education so he moved one with that thought. 

An hour passed. Liam went out for the search of Mia again, he went driving to where the circus was, he went through the forest and see if there where foot prints where they could have gone. He walked through the forest found small foot print leading to the street and didn’t go anywhere else. It was very suspicious because there where small like it was someone young but Marianna’s subscription was old.  

Liam went searching and searching. It was getting dark and Liam finally heard a sound some screaming out a word but he didn’t really know what they where saying. 

"Hello, anyone" someone mumbles


"Hello, hello" Liam screamed.


"Help me" someone creams


Liam looks through the forest and sees who's screaming for help. He finally sees someone tied inside a car. None was in it except for the person

Lima slowly walks up to the car and notices it was a young girl he walks faster and sees that it was Mia, he quickly cracked the car window and helps Mia out of the car and the first thing he did was hug her. He asked her if the person that was keeping her was going to come there any soon she didn’t say a word which was strange she just nodded. Liam took a photo of the plac on the car because he thought it would be useful to the police.They ran through the forest to get into a safe place. Liam was happy that he found her but he quickly notices that she was hurt and needed to go to the hospital.

Liam and Mia finally got to the hospital. Liam told the police all the information that he knew about the situation. Liam left the hospital because he had feeling that Marianna was lying about everything. Liam went to go visit Marianna again. Liam nocked on Marianna's door seemed that everyone was home just didn’t open the door. Liam left because he thought it wasn’t a big deal he just wanted to ask a question. Liam asked the police to help find who it is. Liam first told them where he found Mia. Liam showed the photo to the police and they went on the search.

2 hours later we got a call from the police that they had found the car, but the suspect wasn’t there so they search the car for an identity. Later that day they had found the suspect and it was a lady who was working for someone but no one knows who it is yet.

It was the next day and Liam went to go visit Mia again. 


"Mia" Liam whispered 


"Liam" Mia mumbles 


"Mia do you feel ok" 


"I'm ok but a little sick" 


Liam lays with her in bed to comfort her. The time passes by and the police come up to Liam and tell him....


"Hi Liam, how are you" the police says


"I'm great happy that I'm with my sister" 


"We have some news for you" 


"What is it" Liam says curiously 


"so we found out who the person that was in charge of the car"


"Oh that’s great"


"yeah, but it wasn’t them who planned this whole thing. Actually they had confessed that it was a girl named Marianna who planned the whole thing, apparently they had planned to kill Mia but you had saved her in time"


"(gasps) really this is big news for me"


"yes so we are setting up a court date for you guys"


"Alright thank you for helping us"


"You welcome have a nice day" the police officer said politely.


Months had passed by and Mia had finally had came back home and they went to court and solved the problem. Apparently Marianna didn’t have a good life before that's why she did bad things but now she's in therapy and better. Mia and Liam where happy together and continued there life happy and warm.

The author's comments:

I love painting and drawing. I think that this peice is interesting and pulling to readers.

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