The End | Teen Ink

The End

January 20, 2017
By DipGod BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
DipGod BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The End

Cell block C is where it all started. It was late night/early morning in cell block C, when a horrifying scream filled the whole block with terror and wonder. It was cell 1452 that the noise came from, Rick, an older inmate that has spent over 50 years there made the scream. He never made any issues with the time he spent there, he was always quiet and minded his own business. Everyone woke up immediately wondering what was going on, and the two prison guards Joe and Phil came walking in through the door that allows you to get into the cell block. “Whats going on in here, all of you should be asleep.” Yelled out Phil as he heard all of the inmates shuffle back into their beds. “It came from Rick.” yelled out Dom from 1453. Joe and Phil walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to Rick’s cell. They didn’t get an answer. When they opened the cell door they couldn’t beleive what they saw.
They opened the door and saw Rick laying on the floor with his body rotting right in front of their eyes. It looked like gangrene, but his body parts were rotting away from his body so fast that it looked like someone was putting a invisible blanket over him to make him disappear. Then suddenly Rick jumped up and grabbed Phil with his rotting arm stubbs around his neck forcing both of them over the railing of the cat walk. They fell 15 feet to the floor with Phil landing on top of what was left of Rick. The fall was so brutal that when Phil landed on Rick blood shot out of Rick’s stubbs of his arms all onto the floor. Phil got up off the floor covered in blood, he never worked another day in his life
Joe on the other hand in shock of what just happened stood there staring at the body of Rick until it had been fully consumed by the disease and disappeared. He slammed the cell door shut and radioed for a biohazard unit to quarantine the whole cell block. They moved all of the inmates that were in cell block C to an empty cell block F.
They took samples of the blood that came from Rick’s exploding arms and took them to a lab to test them. They found that it was like gangrene but it wouldn’t attack any organs and would give you rage fits that would cause you to attack people. They drew blood from all of the inmates that were in C. All of the inmates except for one had shown positive results for the disease. It was Dom who was found negative, so they sent him to an empty single cell to keep him alive
Slowly the rest of the inmates from C began to show signs of the disease, but the inmates wouldn’t attack each other they would only try to jump at officers and other staff of the prison. They all died overtime to the disease eating away their whole body until nothing was left but bones and their major organs. It was one day that the prison staff realized that the disease was spreading. They had let the inmates out into the courtyard to workout, play basketball, and do other things that they wanted to do. One of the prisoners had a rage fit and targeted one of the guard towers, he climbed up the tower through the barbed wire and took three gun shots to the body grabbing the guard and jumping off the top of the tower with the guard in his grasp both landing head first onto the concrete below with their heads exploding upon impact.
That triggered the minds of the rest of the infected prisoners to charge the doors to the prison wether they were inside of the prison or out they all broke down the doors to their cells and the courtyard. The only thing stopping them from getting into the prison was the carbon steel reinforced door that led to the front door and the staff offices. The inmates continuously ran head first, punched, kicked and tried to claw through the door because they knew where the staff was.
Joe who at the time was checking on Dom in the mental insitution cell was unaware of the situation thay was going on outside of the cell. His radio went off and he heard “Send help, code 13, I repeat code 13. We have inmates trying to break through the staff door.”. “I wonder whats going on out there?” Dom asked. Joe pulled out his phone with wich he could access security footage of everywhere in the building. He saw the inmates running over the dead bodies of ther inmates that had killed themselves by hitting their head until it broke open and their brains were turned to mush. The guards tried shooting them trough the holes in the doors that the inmates had made but they were uneffected by the gunshots until their bodies gave out on them.
“We need to leave right now.” Joe said to Dom. “But what about the other officers and my sentence?” Dom replied back. “We will have to figure that out later, by now the other officers will probably be infected and the whole prison will be infested with zombies or whatever they are.” “Where do we go?”. Joe looked at the security cameras to see if there were any of them around. They opened the doors and headed down the hallway, they turned a corner and saw an inmate standing in the middle of the hallway not facing their direction but he said something.”I know you’re trying to get out and I can’t stop you. I want to help you, I really do but it’s too late.” He paused for a few minutes and then he faced Joe and Dom and lunged at them biting Joe in the arm. He was stuck on his arm like a leech on a fish Dom reached for Joe’s pistol and shot the man in the head nearly hitting Joe’s arm causing the man to fall to the ground. Joe’s arm was bleeding so much it looked like he was cut with a saw. Dom grabbed a gause pad out of a medical cabinet a little further down the hallway. They cleaned him up and continued down the hall and found the ladder to the roof.
“Hey there they are!” they turned and found themselves facing a horde of flesh eaten half humans. They started running after them full sprint as they hurried up the ladder they closed the hatch behind them as they got to the roof. There was a helicopter on the roof and they flew off never to be heard from again. Neither one of them.

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