The Man With A Slight Obsession | Teen Ink

The Man With A Slight Obsession

January 20, 2017
By b_casey BRONZE, Carbondale , Pennsylvania
b_casey BRONZE, Carbondale , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “Dani we just got a call in, after you do this delivery you can go home,” she heard as she was gathering her things to leave.
Dani was a eighteen year old college student who was trying to make some extra money for something other than paying tuition. She was a typical long blonde haired, blue eyed, skinny, beautiful girl, but even though she had the basic look, she was unique in so many ways that made the boys crazy for her. She was innocent and shy and always had a kind look in her eyes. She was too smart for her own good, but little did she know this might have been the last time she ever wore that sweaty pizza shop tee shirt with black leggings to hide all the grease stains again.
As soon as Dani heard the buzz on the oven and the cook yell to her that the pizza was ready to go, her eyes gleamed with excitement knowing that only in an hour she would be seeing her favorite band, Brand New, at the Sherman Theater in East Stroudsburg, PA. She jumped into the car and entered the address 622 Lake Rd., Honesdale PA, 18431 getting ready to deliver the pizza to Jeff Foreman.
After about a fifteen minute drive out of town she finally reached the long driveway of the customer’s home, not even thinking for a second that she was at the wrong house since the closest neighbor was about a mile away. As soon as she reached the front of the house Dani was full of excitement knowing this was the last stop before getting to breathe the same air as Jesse Lacey, who was the lead singer of Brand New. Dani knocked on the door and not even a split second later she was greeted by a young attractive man who had a smirk and eyes full of mystery. “Hi sir, your total comes to $14.75,” said Dani, he looked down in confusion and said “I must have miscounted, why don’t you come in while I get a few more dollars.” Not even a few minutes after Dani was in the house, she felt something hard hit her head and she was out cold.
About an hour later Dani finally woke up, she was tied to a chair in a room that looked very similar to hers. On the walls were pictures of her with her friends and family, the same exact bed, the same books, and other decorations around the room. Full of confusion and fear her first reaction was to start screaming, “Help! Can anyone hear me?! Hello?!” Finally footsteps were heard and in came Jeff with his fast, lanky walk.
“Well well what do we have here?” he exclaimed, as she was struggling to break free.
“What do you want from me? Money?” Dani asked in a shaky voice filled with fear.
“Money? No, I have enough of that. I want you.” said Jeff. “I saw you everyday walking the halls, sitting in front of me in study halls, so innocent, and that’s where my craze began.”
Dani was now, filled with more confusion than before, and did not know how to respond to what she had just heard. “What do you mean your slight obsession, I have never spoke to you in my life and I don’t even really remember ever seeing you.”
“We have spoken before.” said Jeff with an insulted face, starting to grown more impatient. “We spoke in study hall before, we talked about your favorite band, which happened to be mine too, the last few minutes of class. After that I couldn’t stop but know more about you.”
“This whole thing is insane, please let me go please, I’m begging you.” cried Dani now having tears streaming down her face.
“Sadly I can not do that.” said Jeff.
He left the room leaving Dani tied up to the chair to think about everything that just happened. As soon as she could not hear the footsteps anymore, Dani began to look around for something to free herself with. Finally she found a pair of scissors sitting on the desk across the room that Jeff must have forgotten to put away, so she loosened the rope on her wrist and scooted the chair across the room. As soon as she reached the desk, she grabbed the scissors and began to cut away at the rope the best she could, and at last she was free. As her first reaction Dani ran to the window finding it to be locked from the outside, out of frustration she kicked the window hoping for it to break when sadly the window was made of toughened glass. With all of her struggles the biggest one of all came about, footsteps were heard coming down the hall. With fear Dani grabbed the chair replacing it to where it originally was and attempted to put the rope back around her, but it was too late. Finally the door opened and a sadness overcame on Jeff’s face.
“Are you really trying to leave me? Am I really that bad?” Jeff asked with a voice full of sadness and soft.
“I just want to go home!” tears wetting the places of the dry streaks from earlier, “Why can’t you just let me go?!”
“Home? Oh I’m sorry but that isn’t an option at this point,it’s either stay or, well, die.” said Jeff in one of the most eased tones.
Not realizing what she was doing, Dani told him she would rather die. In that split second, without thinking, Jeff took his fist slamming it on the back of her head. With the impact and the spot she was hit, Dani dropped to the floor immediately. For a second he stood there still taking in everything that happened and then continued to pick her up and place her on “her bed.”
“You will forever and always be mine, Dani.” said Jeff with one of the most calming voices he has ever had.
About an hour later the police arrived because of the report the manager filed since Dani had not returned. As they busted into the house they did not find anything until they got to the room Dani was stuck in, where they found two bodies with a note.
“We die together, never apart, Dani Bella will always be mine, forever at heart.”

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