Mr.K's money | Teen Ink

Mr.K's money

September 10, 2017

It was a normal day ,just like any other. Wake up, go to school, walk home, eat , do homework, and go to bed. Only to do it all over again the next day . Or at least it was a normal day until I had to go home. School was the same, it was while walking home that my day was completely flipped. I turned on my street , passing the Kwik Mart and Mr.Johnson the cracker, who used to work for Mr.K at the end of the street. Mr.K was the local billionare. So much money from a family oil refinery. It was a wonder what he did with all the money.Then everything turned black and I couldn't move. A bag had been pulled over my head and someone stood behind me holding me back, while another person opened a car door and shoved my head in. Then I blacked out from shock. When I awoke I was in a bright room. A man pulled the bag off of my head and I was met with Mr.K's face inches from mine ;a grim smile was plastered on his face. The fat, ball of a man laughed maniacally and backed away clapping his hands like a child. He sat back in his chair when he was done and put his elbows on his desk touching his fingers together. He spoke to the man holding me in my seat, telling him how happy he was that I was here and how he couldn't wait for the fun to begin. He then stopped smiling and looked  another one of his body guards straight in the eye and told him " Take our new friend to the party room". The bag was again placed over my head and he began to pick me up , leading me to a dark hallway. Through the cheap bag I could see many doors lining the hallway. Each one had a name written on it from snakes, Blue Room all the way to party room. He set me down in front of the door and unlocked it. He then looked at me waiting for me to open it. He breathed hot air on my back as he pressed me against the door. I closed my eyes worried of what lied behind the door, as I fumbled with the door knob. The door slowly crept open. He took the bag off my head and shoved me into the room, slamming the door shut behind me. The room was pitch black, freezing and a soft dripping noise was always heard. Two white eyes sat in the corner next to me. Startled I ran to another side of tthe room ramming into the wall. I fell to my knees staring at the eyes that seemed to be fixed on me. For three days I stayed in that room. Food , water and sleep were the least of my worries. The entire time I was locked in that room, I was so let focused on never looking away from the eyes. Never once moving out of fear from what the eyes belonged to. Just when I was ready to give up hope, the door opened. Creating a stream of light into the dark room that made the eyes creep to the ceiling. I ran out of the room as if that were the only thing I knew how to do. Once out of the room I was greeted with the thug once again holding me back. He began leading me to another room. "Not again " I though. If I had to go any longer without food I'd surely die. He brought me to a room that read "Café" I prayed it wasn't another one of Mr.K's jokes. Opening the door ,he lead me inside a white tiled room with lunch tables from a school. He brought me to a counter with a slop of some form on a plate. I stared up at him as if asking to eat. To which he gestured towards the plate. I dug in completely disregarding the fork next to the plate and stuffed my face till the slop completely vanished from the plate. Once I had finished licking the plate I looked back up at him waiting for what was next. He turned me around and lead me back to the hallway and to another room at the end of the hall. As we neared the room a pungent smell grew stronger. Before unlocking the door he started laughing. I stared at him with fear and confusion. "What could this sick minded psycho be thinking?What's on the other side of the door?!" I thought to myself. He continued laughing and opened the door , throwing me in. I slipped on the river of blood flowing from a pile of dismembered limbs that sat by the door. Looking up in was able to see as girl with her head down. She sat chained to the wall and it sounded as if she were crying. She wore a pink t-shirt and jeans. "Almost the way my sister dresses" I thought. I stood up and cleared my throat, walking toward her slowly. Once I was three feet from her I said "hey " trying to be friendly and to see if she was dangerous. She quickly looked up at me. Her pupils were huge and the whites of her eyes were blood shot. She smiled and began laughing hysterically. I backed away frightened and I tried to think what I could've done to set her off. It was then that I saw the dozens of cameras lining the walls. Using the puddle of blood beside her she was able to slip from her restraints. She ran afyer me faster than I've ever seen a human run. I banged on the door but it was no use, she grabbed my leg and pulled me backwards. The lights went out and Mr.K's voice filled the room. He said " good girl" in a sing songy voice that was interrupted by his laughter. I felt her jump and then rip off my leg. I screamed out in pain. She giggled and proceeded to rip the rest of my limbs from my body, throwing them aside. With just my head remaining I still cried out in anguish as Mr.K continued encouraging the girl and laughing. The lights turned back on and I saw the monster that looked like my sister staring back at me. She smiled and bit off my head throwing it in the pile. As the last seconds of my life slipped away Mr.K stopped laughing and gunfire could be heard from the speakers. Thousands of feet marched to the room and opened the door. I saw one man restrain the girl and another walk over to the pile where I lay. Then everything went black.

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