The Adoption | Teen Ink

The Adoption

December 18, 2017
By NuggyBabyyyy BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
NuggyBabyyyy BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


                      The Adoption  
I remember the first time my parent adopted this 6 year old girl name Ester. For a minute I didn’t like it because she was kinda strange and acted funny. One day I caught Ester talking to herself in her room. I didn’t bother going to see who she was talking to but it was like she was having a whole conversation with herself.

I kept telling my parents it’s something wrong with her but they didn’t bother to believe me. They kept saying I wasn’t telling the truth and that I was only thinking about myself because I wasn’t the only child anymore. But I knew I wasn’t crazy, there’s something that’s not right about Ester. She always played the innocent little girl in front of my parents.

It was about two O’clock in the morning and I got out of bed to get a cup of water, I get to the bottom of the steps and there’s Ester. She was just sitting in front of the tv but the tv wasn’t on a channel it was just black and white. I was kinda afraid because I knew Ester was a strange girl, so I asked her “Hey Ester, what are you doing up so late?”. Ester didn’t answer me she just sat there staring at the blank tv.

I said again “Ester, what are you doing you need to go to bed”, she turns her head and whispers “I’m waiting for her”. At that point I was very scared, “What little girl?” “The little girl, she’s my friend”. “What little girl what are you talking about?”, as I was talking to Ester I heard a noise come from the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen to see what the noise was, but I didn’t see anything. I heard it again but this time it came from the basement. I walk over to the basement door and Ester stopped me, “I wouldn’t go down there If I were you”. “Why you say that?” “Because that’s where she lives, and she doesn’t like company, only me”.

I thought Ester was unusual than other people. I open the basement door and tried to cut on the light. As I reach for the light something cold brush pasted my hand and then scratched my arm, and slammed the door shut. I panicked.

“I told you she doesn’t like company” Ester whispered as she went back to bed. The next day my mom dropped us off to school. Ester got out the car but I stayed to talk to my mom about what happened last night.

“Mom, Did you know Ester was up at two O’clock in the morning downstairs?” “No what was she doing downstairs?” “She said she was waiting for the little girl”. At the point I knew my mom wasn’t going to believe me. She gonna say I sound crazy. But it’s true.

“No way, I don’t believe that”. See what I tell you she wouldn’t believe me but I know what would make her believe me. “I’m telling the truth look what happened” I tried to show her the scratches on my arm but, they were gone.

“Last night I heard a noise in the basement, and I tried to turn the light on but, something scratched my arm” “I don’t see any on your arm”. I knew my mom was gonna think I’m lying. But it’s ok they will notice one day that I’m honest.

One night I heard noise coming from downstairs, I get up to see if it was Ester. But it wasn’t some little girl was standing at the bottom of the steps. I didn’t know what to do, she started walking into the basement. I followed her to see who she was and where she was going.

“Hello, who are you?” I asked, but she didn’t say anything to me, so I followed her. As we get into the basement she disappeared, I ran upstairs to go wake my parents up but the basement door closed. As I’m screaming help, my parents came to the door and ask “What are you doing in the basement?” “The little girl that Ester was waiting for locked me down there” “Stop with that kind of talk”, as my dad yelled at me. They still didn’t believe me until they saw the little girl behind them.

The little girl ended up killing my parent. But she took Ester with her and I never saw her again, I got away out the house and tried to call the police. I saw a car on the road as I was running down it trying to look for help. “Excuse me, can you help me?” The man said he would take me to the police station.

As we’re on our way to the police station, the guy stopped the car and just looked at me through the rearview mirror. “Why did you stop?” He didn’t say anything he just turned around and stabbed me in my stomach. I never knew it would end like this.

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