Who done it | Teen Ink

Who done it

May 14, 2018
By bsblover_3241 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
bsblover_3241 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A psychotic father and a secret keeping mother what could go wrong. As the woman approached the house she was shaking and not able to think straight. Various thoughts were running through her head, “what if he finds out?”  “ what if he already knows?”. The woman wouldn’t be able to look at her kids again if they found out about it. The woman walked in the house as she normally would after she got off work. Everything went as it normally would the kids were in bed an her husband was sitting on the couch watching the game. This gave the woman a sigh of relief. Her husband turned around and started speaking to her.
“Hi honey how was work?”
“It was fine” with a shaky voice
Just then her fourteen year old son walked downstairs. John was a very to himself person he didn’t like socializing that much because of the judgement he would receive.
“Hey mom”
“Hey john”
That was all that was said then John got his water and went upstairs silent as a mouse. The family was soon all asleep but when they woke up John had been dead. There he lay in a pool of his own blood, his clothes now bloody red. Just then he woke up for a split second and took his last breath and died. The parents called the police and Mrs. Nick could barely get a sentence out. She explains the situation so then the police then rushed over to the Nicks household. They examined the body and pulled John’s parents out into the hallway.
“Hello Mr and Mrs Nick so I have a few questions about your son”
Mr. Nick answered most of the questions since he was home with the kids the most.
“We’d be glad to answer questions officer”
“So do you have any idea who could’ve done this?”
Mr. Nick responded
“No the only ones in the house were us and his other two siblings”
“Mr. Nick let me ask you this has your son had an problems with any of the kids at school?”
“Not that I know of he’s a very quiet kid “
“Has anything happened in the family or anything that he’s been depressed about?”
“No nothings happened. Why do you keep asking these questions?”
“Mr and Mrs. Nick we think your son might have commited suicide last night “
*Both parents break down into tears*
“We don’t know yet it’s just a possibility”
*Officer walks away*
Days go by before the Nicks hear from the police but just then the phone starts ringing.
*Ring Ring*
Mrs. Nick picks it up and it’s the police
“Yes is this the Nicks household?”
“Yes sir “
“We have more information about your son's death could you and your husband come up to the station?”
“Yes sir we will be on our way”
“See you then ma’am”
“Thank you officer”
*Hangs up*
Mrs. Nick goes and gets Mr. Nick and they go to the police station.They finally arrive and start talking to the officers.
“Ma’am how are you? I’m officer Hawkins”
“I’m good so what’s the news about John”
“Ma’am we don’t think johns death was caused by a suicide”
“So someone murdered him?”
“We believe so Ma’am”
“Who would do something like this?”
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out Ma’am do you have anyone that hangs out with John that might know something?”
“Maybe his friend Joseph”
“Okay Ma’am I’m sorry for your lose we’ll contact joseph and ask him”
“Thank you officer”
As they leave the station Mrs. Nick feels guilty as ever about what she has done. So she decides to tell her husband to lift the weight off her chest.Then everything goes wrong she tells her husband about the affair. They break out into a gigantic argument and he goes mad. He pulls out a gun on her. He pulls the trigger and he drives the car home like nothing even happened. After a few days the neighbors notice some suspicious behavior so they call the police and the police come out. They search the house and Jessica is nowhere to be found so they ask Travis what could have happened and he says he doesn’t know .The police notice some weird things about what Travis was doing like twiddling his fingers a lot. So they take him in for him to take a lie detector test. They asked him questions about his wife and his sons death.
“Travis did you have anything to do with your wife disappearing?”
“Did you have anything to do with your son’s death?”
After a few days they went back out to the Nick household and they arrested Travis once they arrived to the station they said “why would you do this to your own family”. Then Travis stays silent and the officer asks “How did you wife disappear?” “what did you do travis?” He tells them about the confession and then shooting her. The officer proceeds to then ask about his son and Travis said that John had said something he didn’t like so he had stabbed John and then strangled him but not enough to show strangulation marks so it would look like he did it himself. The police arrested travis for two cases of murder and he wasn’t even ashamed of himself he was proud which made the case a thousand times worse….

The author's comments:

I hope that people get a thrill out of reading this. I hope it makes them wanna keep reading. 

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