The Men in the House | Teen Ink

The Men in the House

May 14, 2018
By iyari BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
iyari BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Shh,” I said as we hid in a closet from the man in our house. “Who is this man and what does he want?” said Jen.  We didn’t know what was going on and we didn’t want to know either. Jen was already crying because our parents weren’t home and she just wanted to see them. I exclaimed “ I’m in charge here and if you want to make it out alive I need you to keep your mouth shut and be quiet!!” Suddenly we heard more footsteps… it sounded as if there was more people in the house.
“I am going to do something really risky right now but I need you to stay calm and stay in this closet. Try not to make noise please.. The last thing we need is these strangers taking you,” I said, “I’ll be right back.” I slowly opened the door trying to make sure no squeaking was heard and looking to see if anyone was outside the pantry in the kitchen. There wasn’t anyone there so I opened the door fast , turned around and gave my little sister Jen a kiss and hug and told her I love her and that i’ll be back. At this point I couldn’t look at Jen anymore ‘cause she could not stop crying so I shut the door quietly.
The sun was shining through the window in the kitchen. I could see everything perfectly fine . I didn’t really know what to do so I grabbed a knife from the drawer and hoped these guys wouldn’t see me. I started walking toward my phone to call 911 but at that very moment I knocked over a glass. The men started running down the stairs to see who else was in the house. Suddenly one of the men saw me and started running toward me .. I didn’t know what to do . I was trembling like never before. I had a huge lump in my throat and tears started running down my face.He kept getting closer by the second and I had to think of what to do quick. It was either having them kill not only me but Jen as well so I did what had to be done.
Before I knew it I had stabbed this man right in the stomach. He stood there in shock before falling down to the ground. “Oh my gosh… What did I just..” I said before I realized I had to get out of the house as soon as possible because these men were going to get me. I grabbed my phone and ran out of the house so quick just leaving my sister behind. I knew she’d be safer alone than with these men in the house with her. They kept chasing me for blocks.
"What have I just done?" I thought to myself as I stood there trembling. The only thought going through my head was "What are they going to do to me." I couldn't catch my breath and tears ran down my face as I kept looking back. Finally I hid behind a bush trying not to make any noise in fear that they might get me. There was a huge lump in my throat, I was trembling a whole lot more that I was before ... then suddenly I saw their shadows coming up around the corner as they got closer I heard their feet crushing the autumn leaves with every step they took. I was shaking even worse now and tears wouldn't stop running down my face. I felt like if the ground was getting pulled out from under me. I sat there and thought to myself again ,"What have I done?"
The footsteps and rustling of the leaves got quieter so I peeked my head up and saw them heading back to my house. My sister is still in there alone with a possible dead body. She probably can’t stop shaking either. “Poor Jen … don’t worry I’ll be home super soon to get you out of there,” I said. I knew I had to get up and beat those men back to the house before they went to get my sister so that’s exactly what I did. I ran faster than I ever thought I could. I swear it took me two minutes to get back to my house. I was right at the door about to go inside  as I saw the men turning the corner so I hurried and ran back into the closet with my sister. “I told you I’d be  back Jen,” I said as i hugged her tightly, “I still need you to be quiet .. they’re coming.”
The footsteps seemed to get closer and closer. After a few minutes the footsteps stopped.. I had woken up from a bad dream.

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