The Lone Greg | Teen Ink

The Lone Greg

June 5, 2018
By BenWPS BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
BenWPS BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am Batman -me

Greg walked along the road to get home. It was 8:49 PM, he had been hanging out at a friend’s house, but his mom was working so he had to walk home himself. All of a sudden it began to rain. Greg sprinted into the woods on the side of the road for cover, but tripped on a rock and scraped his leg. He kept walking, bleeding, and worrying along the road to his house, but he was soaked and it was so dark that he wasn’t even sure he was following the road anymore. Greg couldn’t see the road anymore and his knee hurt so badly that he could barely walk. He checked his watch and saw that it was 10:27. Greg lay down, scared and lost in a humongous forrest. At about 1 AM Greg was woken by a ruffle of leaves. He heard a  scream and several more ruffles of leaves. He shot up, looked around and unfolded his pocket knife. Greg turned on his flashlight and saw something like no animal or human he had ever seen before. He started to run as quickly as he could, but it was no use. The creature sank it’s shark like teeth into Greg’s neck and blood spewed out. Within minutes Greg’s body was surrounded by humongous animals feeding on his flesh. Greg’s screams were no use and they soon died out along with him.

The author's comments:

My good friend Greg helped motivate me to write this story.

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