Christmas | Teen Ink


January 28, 2015
By Shay7 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Shay7 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was little christmas was so fun and now i'm older, it's not fun anymore. Christmas isn't the same anymore. The three things i'm going to talk to you about is, I usually know what Im am all getting, my family doesn't always come around, and we don't put up a big tree anymore.

I used to never know what im getting but now i know them all.My parents just ask me, what do you want for christmas, and I show them and they just buy them for me. This has changed so much like they used to get me whatever. I’m not really surprised anymore. I don't want to know what i am getting.When I started getting stuff, things started to happen.

These christmas days my family usually doesn't come around. And my family doesn't really like hanging out too. Plus my family are in different states (georgia , florida,Minnesota). Our whole family used to open presents together at my grandma’s house. When I was little my family used to always come around.Right now its like ½ of family come.When that happens, something else had. 

Lately, our big christmas tree hasn't been up for a few years.About 2 years ago my cat (daisy) just randomly want to sit in the tree and tip it over. And that is one reason why. Plus my family used to have time to put the tree up but not anymore. Now we put up a little tree up (its a cute tree).And I’m mostly the only person the decorates it and puts it up. i dont like that things have changed.

I know all my presents, i don’t see my family all the time,and we used to put up a big tree but not anymore. The holidays aren't the same as it used to be. Sometimes its a good thing to change but this change wasn't good. I wish christmas wasn't like this.Can mychildhood come back? I hope one day its back to the way it was. When I have my own family I will do my best to keep the magic of christmas real. I wish christmas didn't change in the first place.


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