Narrative of a Gay Asian Kid | Teen Ink

Narrative of a Gay Asian Kid

December 11, 2012
By KelvHuynh BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KelvHuynh BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I understand Jaemin Lee's bias towards today's society shown in "Narrative of a Gay Asian Kid." Being part of the majority of the guys who demoralized gays and used "gay" as an adjective and not to describe some one's sexual attraction. I realized how wrong I was about homosexuals by reading and reflecting upon Jaemin's story. I also understand how arrogant I was for exploiting homosexuals since I have befriended some and learned that they are the same as every other person I have befriended. They have the same interests and personalities, the only difference is their sexual orientation. I would like to thank Jaemin Lee for being brace as to share his story with the Teen Ink community.

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