January 18, 2013
By Anonymous


Whats good ? I'M that top 5 guy in the Bronx they call me the south Bronx bully . I go to Bronx institution i run that damn school.I earned my respect from that school either for beating up these punk nerds and taking their money or beating up the toughest people in the Bronx .I don't just hang out with anybody you can't be no soft person, so that's why i hang out with Chris and James they knowed for beating people up and together we know ed as sbb. We had good times i remember we beat up this new kid at our school and took his money and after we was done we laughed at it. At home theres nothing but struggle living in these projects with it just being me and my moms and my little 15 year old brother Jerome. I have to try to provide for my family at 19 , that's why i do what i do now i think about that every night before i got to bed. The next day before lefted i told my mother bye and my little brother bye, i met up with Chris and James sometimes i think bullying is no good for me. I wouldn't want anyone to pick on my little brother in his first year in peters burg high school, i will kill someone but i can't stop now ! I am the top dude in my school so i always gotta prove my self . Walking to school with the homies i see some gay boy walking with his boyfriend since i'm that dude i'm always the first to react so i walked up to him and said that gay and jabbed him! He fell on the floor holding his face crying. Everybody from my school saw that and recorded it but someone snitched, when i got to the school the principal called me into the offices and told me i’m suspended for 10 days i'm so damn angry ! I left the school building mad not wanting nobody to talk to me, from kings bridge back to uptown i'm thinking about how i gotta change my life i have to graduate. I get to my crib i yell “ IS ANYBODY HERE!” no one answered so i just fell asleep watching moesha that was around 10:30 woke up around 12 . I forgot it is freshman Friday so hoping my little brother is safe , i waited three hours for my little brother to come home and when he does he comes in bleeding with a black eye ! I ran to him asked him what happened he didn't want to tell me but after all the crying he finally did he said “ a group of guys who use to go to your school knew you was my brother and they jumped me one of them looked familiar”. Please don't tell me all the bad i did he coming back to haunt me threw my little brother, i got to change my life but at this point i need to do what i gotta do ! So i call the homies and told them to meet me at peters burg high school, so i hopped in a cab got to the school and 10 minutes later 10 of my homies south Bronx goons came. I was looking for these dudes but there were no where to be found, so we all split up to later on so i walked from 112th where the school was to cross the bridge back to the bronx. I see a group of guys in hoodies ran up on me , one dude took his hoodie off his head and he looked familiar. He said “ do you remember me ? you use to bully me and take my money for 4 years”. Before i knew it one guy hit me then the rest of them started jumping me ! All i remember is waking up in the ambulance the doctors asking me who did this to me. I'M a mess all bloody with a black eye, I guess what goes around comes around all the bad i did to people came back to me.My moms walked in the hospital she was screaming and crying i hate to see my mother cry .I got to change my life at this point on. ONE YEAR LATER........... since i got jumped things been good for me i'm getting good grades and i'm graduating on time my family living a better life now.I guess you got to change sometimes.

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