Bullied | Teen Ink


January 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Bulling is something we all secretly fear even the bullies themselves. It’s not the greatest feeling in the world to be hurt on the inside. The feeling of a knife being stabbed through your heart, a black hole starting to form, the feeling of a sharp pain and emptiness. I hear the words and say in my mind, I know they are not true they just say it to get to me, but still I can’t help but feel the pain. A pain that is worse than when you fall. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me a lie, a lie I have been taught once, one I made myself believe to make myself feel invisible, a lie, I lie to myself, though in my heart I know that it will never be true. I can be bullied physically and the wounds will disappear and be forgotten. But word will always stay, time may go by and be forgotten like other events the incident is forgotten, but the wounded feeling will always stay even once the time has long past. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will hurt the most

The author's comments:
i wrote this to tell the way i was felling when i was bullied.

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