The Media | Teen Ink

The Media

February 20, 2013
By Anonymous

The monster is controlling my insides.
Eating my chest, taking all that I am.
The media is a serial killer,
killing the little girls first.
Trying and trying to break all of us.
Do not the insides count too?
No, it is really all a game.
Keep on spending money
to reach the highest level.
Before too long, you start to realize,
this sick game, is not really a game at all.
This, my dear, is reality.
All those little girls can not be all they wanted.
One day, they will open their eyes
and extinguish that monster too.

The author's comments:
This poem is about the media. I chose this to put on here because the some of materials that the media publish are being an epidemic. It's really quite heart-wrenching seeing little girls or just hearing them talk about how fat they are or how ugly they are. Everybody is different, you should cherish your originality.

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