Twisted and Mangled | Teen Ink

Twisted and Mangled

March 3, 2013
By anjobanjo BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
anjobanjo BRONZE, Bridgewater, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking at my phone
With feelings of regret
One more message, one more lie
One more reason to hate
The pain this causes me is much too great.

Seeing their ruthless glares
Feeling the dagger to the heart
My friends there for me
Entirely in part.

The backstabbing, the lies
How fast a rumor flies
Hearing my secrets
Twisted and mangled
The truth carefully hidden and tangled.

My friends ask me what they did
Searching for a reason
To overlook the pain
And my fingers of blame.

Now all on my own
How small I have grown
The words they spat
Turned the girl in the mirror to a rat.

No more fights
No more sleepless nights
I’m done with their lies
I’m done with my tear-filled eyes
I’m tired of feeling bruised inside
Their words can no longer make me hide.

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