Hear My Voice | Teen Ink

Hear My Voice

November 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Depression. You struggle through it all just to stay strong, but suddenly you happen to realize that you’re falling apart. Someone’s in the corner of the room, sitting there sobbing so many tears onto the ground, waiting for everyone to walk over them. But yet, you’re not doing anything about it… You think you shouldn’t bother them, when really you should. Don’t leave me here to cry I say, I need you to help me get better. Just please do something good to make me feel like finally, somebody cares for once.

This is a story all about my sadness, everyday life struggles, and thoughts. It’s going to be about how I feel, and exactly why I do. There are days I’m really depressed, and I just want to sit down and cry. But knowing that’s always never the option you may wonder. But for me that’s pretty much how it’s going to be, because most people don’t know what I’ve been through. They act like they know me, when yet, they have never even bothered to ask me about my problems.

As you may know, boys are mainly the ones to be full of cruelty way more than girls are. And they’re the reason why I’m sad, angry, or any other emotional feeling. It’s quite common that many boys don’t want to show their feminine side the the world, which is okay, but most of the guys who think they’re real tough, and manly are basically the brats. Just leave people alone! It’s simple. My life small quote is, those who don’t share it, as in share their kindness and forgiveness, don’t know what they’re missing out in life. Really! It’s common sense though. If you’re not going to be nice, please don’t be around me, and we’ll get along easily.

My message to every boy out there that is feminine, is that you can be who you are, and the people who don’t except you are missing out on a lot of excitement. You don’t need to be like all the other boys who are, “macho”, or “manly”, especially hatred. There’s no such thing as being the most manly guy. That’s just silly to think of. You can be full of hate, and not want anything to do with the softy’s around you, but try to be nice about it. It could change your life. Another thing to say is to treat people the way you want to be treated, but so many people forget that, and they just have a natural habit of picking on you, or just everyone in general. If the world was a great place to be in, and I’m talking about bullying the special people. If it were better, there could be a day where violence has stopped, harassing would no longer live, and everyone would be wearing a smile.

I get upset when the people who are wondering things about me don’t even want to come up to me and ask me what they want to know. I hear rumors about me, and I don’t mind because they’re mostly lies, but really, it’s okay to come up and ask me. I never hear the ending to them. I stand for the ones who get treated wrongly, and a few times I’m in that situation, and nothing seems to cheer me up. This isn’t everyday, but it does happen quite often. It’s pathetic with the amount of people who have hung themselves because they seem they’re not worth it, or even just being different from others. Repeating it over and over makes you finally realize how harmful people can act, and you wonder if you’ll be the next one to get hurt. Just try to ignore the comments you know are not real, and nothing can get in your way.

I hold my flag up for freedom, and respect those who are just like me. The ones who battle an everyday life of being made fun of. We can go through the struggles as one, and soon kindness will take over the cruelty. Give yourself prudence, and love your friends, forget about the bullies, and just be yourself. Nobody can change the way you are but you. No one knows your true self but the people you tell. Living a brutal life is not right. You can put an end to this. Stop all the drama. Stop the lies. A different lover is not a sin, and the only thing that truly matters, is what your heart desires. Also what you want to be as a person.

The author's comments:
The reason why I wrote this, is because two years ago, in sixth grade, I came to this school just to be myself. I didn’t think about how everyone is, and I didn’t realize the school was going to have people I didn’t know, such as people from different schools. One BIG problem I certainly didn’t come to think of, was having bullies around. I know I’ve been in school for a while, but getting bullied wasn’t always has harsh as it is now… I like when people come up to me and tell me what they think is wrong with me. I like when they know how to be honest. But when they’re too scared to do so, they just run around with their friends and make something up about me. So the point is, you don’t have to be rude and lie all the time, when instead you could come out and be truthful about yourself. That would be the best thing to do, because nobody's feelings are demolished.

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