Bullying | Teen Ink


December 11, 2013
By rex neustel BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
rex neustel BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Bullying. Why do we do it? It happens every day and causes people to become both mentally and physically scarred, yet we continue on this evil path towards the lowest of lows. Today more bullying is happening than ever with the aid of social media and electronics. With these tools the average kid can turn into a cynical monster overnight. At this point all pressure of saying things directly to someone’s face is relieved and kids feel they can say anything without negative outcome on themselves. Sickening. There is hope though, and it all starts with you. Yes you. The only way this outrage is going to end is if each one of us starts being kind to everyone, not just the people we like or the people that make us laugh, but everyone. This means that even when someone is being a terrible person, just reason with them instead of putting them down further than they already probably are. Once we have everyone being kind to each other than the battle has been won. Until then it is up to ordinary people like you and me to make people feel like they should feel. Like they belong. Beautiful.

The author's comments:
bullying is bad people

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