Bullyin Needs To Stop | Teen Ink

Bullyin Needs To Stop

May 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Bullying rates are increasing in today’s society. Cyber bullying is the most affective type of bullying, because you can be humiliated online and in public. Even though teens are getting bullied they must learn to stand up for themselves when dealing with other, but bullying must stop because some are running away, and are committing suicide.

Some teens are running away because they’re too frightened to go to school. Many teens are also running away to prevent from committing suicide but, most do commit while they’re away and become missing. Teens tend to not go to school
to not go to school because they feel embarrassed and ashamed of their selves. When teens run away they can also feel more to their self and not have anyone judge or bully them.

Teens are committing suicide because they’re constantly getting bullied. “According to statistics from Family First Aid, about 30 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have been involved in bullying, either as a bully or as a victim of teenage bullying.” (Teenage Bullying, 2013). Teens commit suicide because they’re too scared to fight back, and defend themselves. They will also commit suicide because they feel like they don’t belong in the world.

Some say students must learn to stand up for themselves when dealing with others, but I don’t think that’s the case. If you’re a witness of bullying, I highly that you stand up and take control. If more people take control of bullying each day, I believe that our rates of bullying will dramatically decrease.

The author's comments:
Bullying rates were increasing in our society.

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