A Better Life | Teen Ink

A Better Life

June 7, 2008
By Anonymous

From the Horn of Africa to the plains of midwest. A family looking for protection and a better life arrives. The "American dream" is what drives us and many immigrants. Coming to the U.S is a dream come true for many immigrants especially me,but it isn't an easy step to make. It takes energy,courage and patience. As a high school student back in Kenya, It didn't take long for me to cope and undestand my new culture, but it takes long for my new community and new friends to know who I am.I had to show my new community who I am as a somalian, not as a Kenyan or American citizen.It isn't an easy step for me to take, especially with my new friends and my old african friends opposing. This is where courage and patience comes to play.
I have to answer questions from my fellow students that sometimes hurts my emotional feelings. The questions ranges from, "Where are you from?" to "Do you guys eat dogs?" The worst I could have done was to respond negatively.But I didn't. I tried to answer to the best of my abilities. Thanks to Multicultural club I found my voice. I interacted with people with different cultures and I learned from them and they learned from me. Many of them came to understand that I am a human being and not a "dog eater."
Somalia is a country situated in the horn of africa, 99.9 percent are muslims.
It doesn't take a day to bring a dream to come true, but it takes patience. And thats what I have.

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