The Voices of The Climate Crisis | Teen Ink

The Voices of The Climate Crisis

June 10, 2022
By Rex-Councilor BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Rex-Councilor BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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As the world progresses there's one issue that just gets more and more prevalent and no change seems to be made to try in stop it, that issue is climate change. It’s been something that's been discussed for decades now but no quantifiable change is getting made to try and stop it. Despite the many calls to do something about it, large corporations keep pumping fossil fuels and other deadly chemicals into our environment. Companies like ExxonMobil and Gazprom are currently in the works to expand their industry to produce more oil and gas that is said to be “equivalent of a decade of today’s emissions from China,” states study from The Guardian. Getting these corporations to listen seems like a nearly impossible task, however, there are still some people who try their hardest to do so. On April 6, 2022, NASA climate scientist, Pete Kalmus, was arrested after he and three other scientists chained themselves to a Los Angeles Chase Bank building in a demonstration against fossil fuel use. Despite this being a peaceful endeavor, authorities arrested him along with the others who were involved. Peter Kalmus in particular has a history of trying to get the message of climate activism across, he is a climate scientist at NASA, a writer with more than 220,000 followers on Twitter, and co-founder of the Climate Ad Project, an organization that works to bring awareness to the crisis through ads. The demonstration that was carried out on the sixth was organized by Kalmus along with the other three scientists, Allan Chornack, Eric Gill, and Greg Spooner. The protest was meant to show the world just how serious this issue is, this can be seen in Kalmus’s speech. While chained to the building he told all who were there to witness the urgency of the issue. He was keen on showcasing the severity of this issue with him having tears in his eyes throughout while he gave warnings about what this climate crisis will cause, “We’re going to lose everything,” said Kalmus. Climate change just keeps getting worse and these giant corporations just don’t seem to care. These radical forms of protest seem to be the only way to draw even some sort of attention. Kalmus’s story ended in a somewhat happy ending as he was later released and able to draw more attention to the issue, other sacrifices sadly didn’t end the same way. On April 22, 2022, Wynn Bruce, a climate activist, went to the Supreme Court steps and lit himself on fire in a demonstration against climate change and passed away due to his injuries. It’s a very sad situation but one that puts into perspective how meaningful this issue is. Wynn Bruce was so devoted to bringing an end to this climate crisis he was willing to do anything to get the word out. If people have to turn to such extremes for any form of change it’s clear something needs to be done to put this climate crisis to an end. The impacts of this crisis and being seen more and more every day but still these capitalistic corporations are unwilling to change. It’s an issue that is only gonna get worse over time and at a certain point will be too late to stop. So it’s up to the people to spread the word about this issue and fight against is any way possible. Climate change is always going to be something plaguing our planet unless we can make our voices heard to bring a more sustainable future.

The author's comments:

As the climate continues to increase few are brave enough to put their all into having their voice heard. 

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