Senses of Summer | Teen Ink

Senses of Summer

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

A warm cool breeze flows past my face then I know that winter has been chased away.

As an ocean blue sky comes into view, I feel renewed and refreshed through and through.

Flowers and trees bloom into color, and attract many kinds of birds and wild honeybees.

Splashing and swimming in the backyard pool,
Warm sun rays create a sparkling mural.

Bike riding with friends between trails and pathways, or making new discovery’s
And finding hidden hideaways.

Snow cones and ice cream drip dropping while they cool my mouth.

Smelling the aroma from the backyard grill that my dad will you to cook up a wonderful meal

But the best part of all and I really must say, Is watching a beautiful sunset at the end of a mid-summers day!


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