Sustainable Development | Teen Ink

Sustainable Development

February 24, 2014
By imcrazy BRONZE, Helsinki, Alabama
imcrazy BRONZE, Helsinki, Alabama
4 articles 1 photo 6 comments

What imagery buzz up into your mind, the moment you hear the word “Rain Forests”? Maybe a mammoth area covered with giant and verdant green trees or a place where the sunlight dissolves on, half its way to the ground barely reaching it. Or do you call it a place with 70% of the world’s flora and 75% of the world’s fauna? It obviously depends the way your imagination paints the canvas of your mind. But a major question is, “how will your grandchildren define Rain Forests?” A place which creates as much curiosity and wonder as on finding a plant on planet Mars or a gnomish aedicule where people spend million of dollars just to breathe without their oxygen masks!

Do you think it is the fault of ‘lack of knowledge of the contemporary generation’, then have a look at this: OXFORD Dictionary, Edition Year -2055 Pg.454

Rainforest: n, 1. an antiquitical place which was once wrapped with flora and libietied by fauna, 2.cherishable past

You doubt such day will come but I assure you of the same. Similar is the condition of all the other natural resources. The glaciers are melting, the lakes are drying up, neither the coal mines have the black gold in abundance nor the petroleum wells are filled up to the edges. The situation is alarming. Is this what we are going to do, sit helplessly?

I think we are aware of that it is only this planet supporting life and there is no second choice. The acceleration of dwindling velocity is much more than expected and we are still counting over it as mere numbers.. The future needs and the availability of the resources could easily be compared to the relation of moon to gravity. Sustainability is a great and sensible step taken in the protection of earth. It is the need of the hour as the concern is growing at national as well as international level.

Sustainable Development is a vigorous concept which cropped out in an international debate and is well defined as “which meets the need of present without comprising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs” worldwide. It also implies using renewable natural resources in a manner that does not eliminate them. Over the past many years population as well as industrialization has increased in a gargantuan way. Each and every country is facing the same problem but it is more severe in developed countries. Forests are being destroyed but bricks and concrete jungles are flourishing. It is these modern cities which are eating up the natural resources like termites. The extreme as well as the misuse of resources by one powerful hand since history has led to the sowing if the seed named “inequality”. The plant was further nurtured by the manure of industrialization. Some believe that still there are enough resources and we need not worry but the moment they thought it 100 trees were cut down.

We have been developing absentmindedly. Is it that we aren’t aware of the dreadful consequences or we are ignoring it deliberately? We aren’t the owner but the tenants of this Blue Planet. Why do we forget that it is us who need to habituate the nature and not the about-face! We can turn the tables of blame towards anyone and brand them as “beast” for this dismal condition of the earth but it is not just these logging companies and the farmers who are the culprits. We also played a vital role in degrading the health of earth.

The First and the Second World War were fought using the natural resources and the Third World War will be fought “over” these resources! On our path towards the sustainable development we may face colossal challenges as the model aims in the all-round development of present and the future as well. Easily said then done but at the same time not impossible. We can start doing what necessary than what is possible and soon we may achieve what we want rather than yearning impossible in the future. Stand up and work so that your children may also get a chance to describe them as existing in lieu of extinct. Want your children as well to draw the same illustrations you draw… a crying and helpless earth? There are many ways you can change it, a happy and forever green earth. Use gas, solar energy, water energy, wind energy. They will save a lot more than you can even imagine!

Pay for more what’s there inside the pot rather that for what’s under it. India, having two long coastlines has gigantic possibilities of making the best use of water as a resource. The concept of sustainable development is in its full boom especially in the rural areas. India is a tropical country and the amount of solar energy it receives can provide electricity to the whole country! We have been working in this field and have been enjoying the fruit as well but the harvest was not as much as expected. The government is making many policies regarding the required concept but again the policies should not be just for the fact of existence and be preserved in museums on pages, over years rather that being in practical use. The black marketing of the resources fetch people with much money at a go that they can enjoy in bed throughout the year without any work. According to many the sand has flown out of our hands and it’s of no use to do anything now but pay no attention to them. We need to promote green energy for greener earth. Nonetheless, more comprehensive education is essential in promoting the idea of cherishing natural resources. We are the coming ones and need earth more than the adults so just passing on your duty onto them won’t work, because they did not do anything about it. They did not solve the problem and we are forced to inherit this polluted earth. If you don’t work now then you are no different from them. IT’S THE TIME. We have the required knowledge, power and sense, all we need is the devotion toward nature! Don’t wait for that “one” person to come up and lead rather be that person and let others follow. We are living in a world where we have the right to be heard. Achieving sustainability requires contributions from local and state bodies, which are comprised of individuals. The collective impact of a single action will significantly change the world around us. Plant more trees, save electricity, don’t waste food, try every little way through which you can save the resources. Reach people by your articles, poetry, plays and movies as awareness is a major factor required for the purpose. Contribute every one single drop of yours’ to this ocean of “conservation of planet”. We have a small window of opportunity which is also closing rapidly; there is no moment to loose. So let’s come up from all around as one and bring that snowball effect to gift our children a better earth! Let’s put a full stop to this monster, so that the next generations remember that it was “this generation” that did it all.

The author's comments:
i wrote it for my competition and i hope all of you like it!


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