Life is Plastic | Teen Ink

Life is Plastic

December 3, 2015
By abigator GOLD, Eureka, Missouri
abigator GOLD, Eureka, Missouri
11 articles 2 photos 3 comments

In my opinion, some of the best ways to change the world come in small steps. Little things that everyone can do.
    The modern world suffers from many environmental problems. One of the most prevalent? Plastic. That’s right. Plastic. Something that the majority will come into contact with every day.

Wait, but plastic can be recycled, right? Unfortunately nowhere near as much of what we think is being recycled is actually recycled. Recycling is a way for we as consumers to feel good about ourselves enough so that we continue our wasteful tendencies.

It is far more impactful to repurpose rather than recycle.

Almost all of us have a plastic bag filled with other plastic bags. Possibly in a pantry forgotten until it’s time to add to the pile yet again. What if those plastic bags were put to use?

Lucky for us, something as simple as a plastic bag can have a huge impact. Plastic bags can be made into sleeping mats. These sleeping mats are waterproof, lightweight, and surprisingly retain quite a bit of warmth. Perfect for those who are currently homeless.

If instead of letting plastic bags go to waste we repurpose them, we solve two problems at once. Not only is the plastic bag prevented from eventually finding its way to the ocean, but the homeless are sleeping more comfortably at night.

A plastic bag may not seem like much, but as I said some of the best changes come in small steps.


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 8 2016 at 11:11 am
What a thoughtful and effective idea to re-purpose plastic into sleeping bags for the homeless!