Is Juuling affecting you | Teen Ink

Is Juuling affecting you

April 26, 2019
By Reaper6nine11 BRONZE, Onalaska, Wisconsin
Reaper6nine11 BRONZE, Onalaska, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Juuling can affect your body if you aren’t careful


Juuling is almost as bad for you as a pack of cigarettes and Juuling can affect your lungs.

People have been debating about juuling and how one juul pod could be as bad for you as a pack of cigarettes. I support this because they have shared facts proving that this was a true statement like: “A JUUL pod contains propylene glycol, glycerine, benzoic acid, and roughly the same amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes.”(Ian Lecklitner). When I see this it makes me really believe this is true. Another reason I think this true is what Juuling can do to your lungs. Juuling could cause you to get “wet lung” which is a lung disease that can cause your tongue or teeth to turn blue.  It also causes a lot more terrible side effects:“JUULing has also been linked to cases of hypersensitivity pneumonitis  or “wet lung”, which causes inflammation and fluid accumulation in the lungs because of an allergic reaction to certain chemicals” (Elaine K. Howley).  Now don’t you see how bad Juuling can be for you and even worse it can still affect more parts of your body too.  Doesn’t that concern you too?


Juuling can affect your brain and Juuling can affect your heart.

The nicotine in a Juul is obviously bad for your brain because it can affect the dopamine level in your brain, which could result in your body never feeling satisfied.  My evidence for this is: “When nicotine enters the bloodstream via JUULing, large amounts of dopamine are released in the brain, producing an unnatural “high” that the brain is inexperienced in handling.  Continued exposure to nicotine results in the desensitization of the dopamine receptors in the brain, and in turn increasing amounts of dopamine need to be released to reach the initial level of satisfaction”(Christine Shatrowsky).  Just think about how it can affect me or anyone around me makes me feel terrible for the people who do Juul like, what do you think of never feeling satisfied with the things you love to do think about how that would affect you. Now I want to talk about the way it affects the heart.  How Juuling affects you is it could mess up your adrenaline level. The evidence for this is:”The nicotine in e-cigarette vapor may cause adrenaline levels to spike in the heart, potentially increasing risk of heart attack and sudden cardiac death, a new study reports. ... "That has been shown to be a risk factor for heart attack”(Dennis Thompson).  Now knowing that a little thing like a Juul could do that should hopefully make you want to stay away from it. What do think you would feel if someone in your family died from a heart attack because of Juul? This isn’t even the end of the effects of Juuling; Juuling can affect your body with cancer.


Juuling can cause cancer

Cancer is an incurable disease that you can get through Juuling!  How does it make you feel to know that it cost at the least $10,000 to treat cancer and that you get it through Juuling.  The question is though how do you get it through Juuling? “Researchers from Brown University have linked nicotine use with heart disease.  According to the National Institute of Health, “Nicotine poses several health hazards.  There is an increased risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal disorders.  There is decreased immune response and it also poses ill impacts on the reproductive health.  It affects cell proliferation, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and DNA mutation by various mechanisms which leads to cancer”(Cleveland clinic).  Just knowing the details of what it’s doing to cause cancer makes me cringe; I really feel bad for anyone who Juuls and I hope that this artical changes your mind if you do Juul. With that leaves my last question, is Juul affecting you?


Works Cited

“Will an E-Cigarette Harm Your Heart?”MedicineNet, Inc., September 2017, and “How Juuling Affects The Body.” Lune Magazine, August 2018

“Can vaping cause serious lung disorders.” U.S. News & World Report, May 2018, and “What's in This?: Juul Pods.” MEL Magazine, February 2019,

“Smoking & Disease.” Cleveland Clinic, April 5, 2019,

The author's comments:

I really hope this changes the mind of a lot of people I worked very hard on this piece and hope people can gain from it.

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