Vaccinations for Children | Teen Ink

Vaccinations for Children

June 8, 2015
By Anonymous

      A large debate that has been sweeping the nation lately involves a little thing called vaccinations. Everyone receives them throughout their lives, beginning from when they’re just a tiny baby. Vaccinations are just a normal part of a humans life. Until recently. Within the past decade, more and more people are starting to refuse vaccinations for their children for fear over rumors that are heard over the internet. Is ridding your child of a chance to fight off a potentially dangerous disease really the right thing to do? Vaccinations are a key part to keeping our society healthy. Vaccine preventable diseases have not been eradicated completely and diseases spread very easily, through younger children especially. Not even to mention how a good majority of the myths that are making people want to quit vaccines have been proven wrong. All of these reasons just add to the point that vaccinations should be not be ripped away from anyone’s life.A large debate that has been sweeping the nation lately involves a little thing called vaccinations. Everyone receives them throughout their lives, beginning from when they’re just a tiny baby. Vaccinations are just a normal part of a humans life. Until recently. Within the past decade, more and more people are starting to refuse vaccinations for their children for fear over rumors that are heard over the internet. Is ridding your child of a chance to fight off a potentially dangerous disease really the right thing to do? Vaccinations are a key part to keeping our society healthy. Vaccine preventable diseases have not been eradicated completely and diseases spread very easily, through younger children especially. Not even to mention how a good majority of the myths that are making people want to quit vaccines have been proven wrong. All of these reasons just add to the point that vaccinations should be not be ripped away from anyone’s life.

     Another good point is that once a child catches a harmful disease, it spreads through any other child around him or her like wildfire. Kids carry disease like a plane carries people. That is the reason why most schools require kids to be vaccinated, with an exception to religion and philosophical views. When a child is not vaccinated, they are not only endangering themselves, but endangering the children around them too. Not only does it spread easily through children though, it could spread through anyone. In early 2015, there was a measles outbreak in Disneyland, a family amusement park in California. Nearly one hundred and forty-seven U.S. citizens caught the infectious disease, and even one hundred and fifty-nine Canadians. Though there is a vaccination for measles, it is still a highly infectious disease that may threaten somebodies life. (

     Many rumors have been floating around regarding the safety of vaccinations. So many, in fact, that they have convinced a lot of people to not get their child vaccinated for fear of these rumors. One of the most common fears is that vaccinations are linked to causing autism. Though it has been proven multiple times that vaccinations and autism have nothing to do with each other, people still won’t believe it. The chance of your child getting autism from a vaccination, is less likely than your child getting autism from genetics. For example, if you have had anyone in your family with autism, the chances of your child also getting autism is a lot higher. Vaccinations have nothing to do with that. Same goes for the myth of your child getting ADD or ADHD from vaccinations. Nothing has proven that vaccinations cause it, it is all genetics. (

     Vaccination is still an ongoing debate and it will be for many years to come. Parents will still put their children and others around them health on the line over a simple myth that has been proven wrong multiple times. Diseases that you’re safe from because of vaccination are still around, and will spread through anyone who comes in contact with it. The only way people can be sure of their safety from them, is to make sure that they and their children are vaccinated with all the proper vaccines needed.

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