Hunting Safety | Teen Ink

Hunting Safety

December 16, 2015
By Curtywill BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
Curtywill BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Northern Minnesota a hunter was accidently shot by his partner while duck hunting. According to two Minnestoa duck hunters were sitting in a 14-foot aluminum flat-bottom boat when they both stood up to shoot at a duck. When they stood up it made the boat unstable. The hunting partner lost his balance and the shotgun he was carrying discharged accidently shooting 23 year old Adam Poole. Adam was shot in the head and died from the injuries. This death could have been prevented by using safe hunting practices.

The hunters could have stood back to back so they weren’t shooting at each other. When most duck hunters hunt from a boat they are usually standing depending on the height of the vegetation. The hunters could have been sitting with their feet firmly place on the bottom of the boat.

Another incident that occurred in Americus, Kansas, was an 18 year old was goose hunting with two of his buddies and he was accidently shot by a poacher. According to 18 year old Beau Arndt of Americus had setup several goose decoys in a farm field with a couple of his buddies. They were laying in layout blinds in the snow waiting for a flock of geese. When a truck stopped on a nearby road about 150 yards away and fired a rifle shot into the decoys hitting Arndt. According to Theron Kent of Topeka fired the rifle hitting Arndt.
Now I’m going to give you a few tips on hunting safety. The first one is mistake in judgement. This is the number one cause for hunting accidents, like mistaking a person for an animal or not checking what’s in front or behind your target. Another one is treat the weapon like it is loaded and keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
There are many hunters education courses in Kansas and around the United States. The hunter’s education course is geared toward safety while in the field hunting and getting more people active in hunting. In Kansas it is required to take the hunters education course so you can buy a hunting license. I took my hunters education course two years ago and won a awesome hunting trip to Texas.   

I tell you these story so you can know the harms of handling a firearm and how one mistake can take someone's live. Firearm safety can save your life, your buddies life, your dad’s or even your brother’s life, or a complete stranger's life. Always keep in mind when you go hunting to check your surroundings.

The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks made a reenactment of the Beau Arndt hunt. Beau died three days before his 19th birthday. He died what he loved doing go hunting with friends. Wayne Doyle a Hunter Education Coordinator quoted a quote that is life long mentor said before every hunt. It was “Load your Frame before you Load your Gun.” 

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