Teen Smoking | Teen Ink

Teen Smoking

March 10, 2016
By Brian_9 BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
Brian_9 BRONZE, Allston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is teen smoking a problem? Yes it is a problem because when you smoke your lungs are under attack every time you smoke and the damage you do to your lungs it would never get repaired. Do you think teen smoking is a problem?

One reason that teen smoking is bad is that some people that smoke say that smoking is not effective. Which they are not caring about their health. in the article, Teen Smoking Still a Big Problem, it saids “ when South Dakota tobacco-free kids network was formed a decade ago, a whopping 44 percent of the state's high school students were smoking cigarettes”. This means more people started to smoke even when there was a program called south Dakota tobacco free kids network.

Another reason why teen smoking is bad, some people say that smoking is all about the taste and it's really not because it still harms you. a piece of evidence saids, “addicted teens are just as likely to die prematurely from tobacco related diseases which is bad for a human

My last reason that teen smoking is bad is that it can cause lung cancer and people don't realize that you can actually die because of this. In the article, World Has More Smokers Despite Public-Health Campaigns, it saids, “But lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths among both men and woman. The World Health Organization (WHO) says tobacco-related illness kills 5 million people a year worldwide. That is more than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

Now do you see why every time you smoke your lungs are under attack every time you smoke and the damage you do to your lungs it would never get repaired. This is bad because you can actually die because of smoking, i would want to live a good healthy life and not have an unhealthy life. This is important because more and more people are dying because of lung cancer and because of disease that a cigarette has. People should try to stop smoking immediately because it could ruin his/her life. Go to some programs that help people stop smoking and try to turn their life around and be healthy. I had a family member that died because of smoking and that made me sad. How about if your family member loses their life wouldn't you be upset? Those are my reasons en smoking is bad, or in general smoking will always be bad.

The author's comments:

I am against smoking and i care about peoples health. I would'nt want people to die becuase of smoking.

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