Are Cell Phones Safe? | Teen Ink

Are Cell Phones Safe?

March 9, 2016
By Anonymous

Some people say that cell phones are safe and some say that there are many problems and health hazards with them. But what is the correct answer? Cell phones might be amazingly fun and a great way to communicate but they also are very dangerous and cause things like heart disease and brain tumors or cancer. Most of that is caused by the Radio Frequency Energy or Radiation that the cell phones send out to send messages. That interrupts the cell development and causes cancer as well as other difficulties.

There are many people that have no idea what causes cell phones to light up, or turn on, or send messages. That would be a type of energy, or a power source as some may call it, that is called Radiofrequency Energy (RF), or Radiofrequency Radiation (RF). Some people say that cell phones aren’t dangerous at all because televisions and radios have been around for awhile and nothing has happened. This was stated in an article called Like cell phones, other devices including radios, televisions, cordless phones, and pagers all safely transmit signals using RF radiation. The author wrote “Radio has used RF radiation since at least 1893 and television has used it since at least 1939. The safe, long-term use of those RF-using devices helps prove that cell phones are also safe.” But they are just using logic because there is plenty of evidence that shows it is dangerous. One piece of evidence that proves that it is dangerous, can be in an article named What Makes Cell Phones Potentially Dangerous?. This author writes about where the radiation in cell phones comes from by stating “comes from the antenna, which sends signals to the nearest base station. The farther the cell phone is from the nearest base station, the more radiation it requires to send the signal and make the connection. As a result, scientists theorize that the health risks from cell-phone radiation would be greater for people who live and work where base stations are farther away or fewer in number.” And that shows how likely it is for your brain to suck the radiation up just like how a sponge sucks up water. A second piece of evidence that proves that radiation is and how it is handled in your body is from an article titled What is radiofrequency energy and how does it affect the body?, and they write-“The human body absorbs energy from devices that emit radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. The dose of the absorbed energy is estimated using a measure called the specific absorption rate (SAR), which is expressed in watts per kilogram of body weight. Exposure to ionizing radiation, such as from x-rays, is known to increase the risk of cancer.”- The last piece of evidence that proves that RF energy can be potentially dangerous and causes bad effects in the aftermath is written in an article named  What biological effects can be caused by RF energy? and they state, “Large amounts of RF energy can heat tissue. This can damage tissues and increase body temperatures. Two areas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable to RF heating because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry away excess heat.” So there are obviously some reasons why scientists believe that cell phones are bad.
There are scientists who have done research and experiments about cell phones causing cancer but other studies have proven that the RF energy in cell phones isn't nearly as much as the amount needed to cause cancer. That is shown in an article called What is radiofrequency energy and how does it affect the body? And they write-“many studies have examined the potential health effects of non-ionizing radiation from radar, microwave ovens, cell phones, and other sources, there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk.”- so therefore they think it is not possible, but there is also evidence that the amount of RF radiation that is given out CAN cause cancer. This is proven in one article titled Numerous peer-reviewed studies have shown an association between cell phone use and the development of brain tumors., that writes, “there is a ‘consistent pattern’ connecting cell phone use and an increased risk of developing glioma, a type of brain tumor.” So it is possible that it doesn’t develop brain cancer but it definitely developed some type of tumor near the brain. Another piece of evidence that proves that cell phones cause cancer-or at least some type of tumor- is given by an article labeled Are Cell Phones Safe? that states“heavy cell phone users had a 50 to 60 percent increased risk of a certain type of tumor.” From that, you can obviously tell or infer that something happens when you use a cell phone. The last piece of evidence that indicates that cell phones cause cancer is given by an article titled Exposing the Industry’s Lies About Cell Phone Radiation and the author writes in that article-“a recently released study shows an increase in brain tumors in 3 major cancer registries in the United States. The increase seen is in the frontal and temporal lobes, the 2 regions closest to where a cell phone is typically held.”- This shows that the screen obviously does something to the brain that is a cause for cancer or tumors.

Besides cancer, RF radiation may also cause some other diseases such as heart disease. Some people may say that phones keep you safe by providing the instant ability to dial 911. There is actually evidence for this from an article titled Cell phones increase personal safety by providing an easy means of contacting others during an emergency. The author of that article wrote, “According to the Wireless Association (CTIA), more that 400,000 wireless 911 calls are made every day. According to an American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) poll, 56% of people over the age of 65 cite safety as a reason they have a cell phone.” Although there is a pro to cell phones, again, there are more cons to the story that have been proven correct. Like in this piece of evidence right here; according to an article that was titled Cell phone radiation may disrupt the functioning of pacemakers, they write, “radiofrequency energy from cell phones can create electromagnetic interference (EMI) that may disrupt the functioning of pacemakers, especially if the cell phone is placed close to the heart.” This proves that it can definitely cause heart problems and may disrupt the production of the heart itself. There is actually more evidence for heart related situations and incidents than the previous piece of evidence. This next piece of evidence also relates to heart problems and the title is 10 health hazards of mobile phones, here's what they wrote: “A study published in European Journal of Oncology, radiations emitted by cordless phones, including mobiles, contribute to abnormalities in heart function.” So obviously there is definitely a problem with cell phones causing heart related health problems. The last piece of evidence comes from an article by the name of: Prenatal exposure to radiation from cell phones may increase the risk of ADHD and other behavior problems in children. And they talk about how cell phones may also cause diseases and disabilities such as ADHD. The author writes- “exposure to cell phone radiation while in the womb “was associated with behavior difficulties such as emotional and hyperactivity problems around the age of school entry."- and that is a big problem.

There are many reasons that support that cell phones truly are bad for your heart and brain, starting from what radiation is and how it effects your body, to the diseases that it may cause- or even cancer. There are some pros to having cell phones but the ones that really stand out are the cons and all of the bad things that could happen if you were to use a cell phone. They may be fun; but are they really worth cancer?

The author's comments:

Many people are unsure about cell phones and what the do to your health.

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