Are Your Civil Liberties at Risk? | Teen Ink

Are Your Civil Liberties at Risk? MAG

By Anonymous

     In post-September 11 America, I have witnessed many changes. Some have been for the good, while others clearly undermine everything that fateful day represents - including President Bush's proclamation that going to war with Iraq is for the safety of the world. Using a national tragedy to rally support for unfinished business is unethical and wrong on many levels.

After reading "Are Your Civil Liberties at Risk," I felt a wave of nausea. The USA PATRIOT Act violates nearly every civil liberty protected by our Constitution. Your property is no longer safe. You no longer have the promise of an attorney in court. There is no benefit from paranoia and fear: only ignorance and stupidity result.

While I support reasonable means of protecting America from future attacks, I strongly disagree with crucifying our rights in the name of freedom. Are there no boundaries as to what our government can do? This government was founded on the consent of the people, with our input and voices ringing clear. But in President Bush's America, there is no room for the consent of the many. Our voices, as well as our freedoms, have been suppressed by fear.

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