Gay Marriage. Why it Should be Legalized | Teen Ink

Gay Marriage. Why it Should be Legalized

September 3, 2010
By AllieJo2619 SILVER, Denver, Colorado
AllieJo2619 SILVER, Denver, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In a world where you can be anything, be yourself, original and unique. Never sellout and become the one you copied from. be the person everyone wants to copy.

Gay marriage should be legalized because it is uncivilized and unmerited. Our civil rights and the Constitution give us many liberties. One of our civil liberties is the pursuit of happiness, which homosexual people are not allowed to chase. They cannot be married to the person they love and it violates their freedoms. According to, “In Alaska, Nevada, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Nebraska, Missouri, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama, not only is gay marriage banned, but so are civil partnerships.”

Others might ask why gay marriage should be legalized, but my question is this: why should other people be able to choose who marries who? If a man and a woman get married, no one seems to care. They are two people who feel affection for one another and those two people want to start a family. If we change the scenario a little bit and a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, try to get married it causes uproar. They are not allowed to be married or raise a family together.

Imagine waking up one day to a world that was completely opposite from the world we went to sleep in, meaning gay people are now straight and all straight people are now gay. Do you think the newly straight people would fight for the newly homosexual people’s rights? America is the land of the free, but we are not free to marry whomever we would like. After everything straight people have put homosexual people through, in this scenario, homosexual people would most likely vote for their rights because they would want their rights to be voted for. We are equals in this world whether we are Black, White, Hispanic, Indian, or any other race for that matter. Why should we not be equals based on sexual orientation?

The 1st amendment of the Constitution states that a person’s religious beliefs or a lack of thereof must be protected. Legislatures also cannot discriminate against marriages of the minority party which, homosexual people fall into that category. There is also an amendment stating there is separation of church and state, so you cannot declare that a marriage is a gift from God.

In a marriage there is one thing that truly matters: love. Yes, other things are important too, but not one couple would make it to even asking someone to marry them if there was not some love. Las Vegas, Nevada is also known for being the place where many weddings occur which are annulled within one week. These marriages are not based off love, but simply a drunken night in Vegas. High divorce rates weaken what a marriage is defined as. Why are we not able to rewrite what a marriage stands for and make it include a homosexual marriage? The definition of love, according to is as follows: “Very strong affection: an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion.” If gay people feel this way then why shouldn’t they be able to be married? If they are happy with each other, said persons should be able to marry.
California, Hawaii, New York, and the District of Columbia all have domestic partnership laws and civil partnerships meaning it is almost a marriage without the matrimony. Civil partnerships also give couples the ability to have joint bank accounts, live in the same house, and pay bills together. Homosexual couples are not entitled to this in most states.
Marriage benefits should be available to all couples, no matter what. In places where gay marriages are banned, the gay couples are not able to have the same benefits as others. When filing for health care or insurance through a job, gay couples are not able to add each other on. Most loved ones, such as a spouse or a child, in a straight marriage, can make life altering decisions in a hospital if need be. Since gay marriage is not legal, said person’s spouse is not recognized as their next of kin and care is delayed.

Who would be affected if homosexual marriage was legalized? No one. Everyone believes there is one person who is out there to love us. Gay people feel the same way. Parenthood is a benefit of marriage and gay couples cannot have children by themselves, without some type of help, so they look to adoption agencies. In some cases gay couples are put on longer waiting lists or denied completely. There are other benefits to being married as well, such as tax breaks. On the website it reads, “When we hit our mid-thirties, we wanted only true friendships- friendships that were durable.” This is a perfect example of matrimony and what it should be based on. . According to a marriage is, “The legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple, including the accompanying social festivities.” If this is a marriage why are gay people not included in this?

Even though gay marriage should be legalized, some people have different beliefs. In most religions including, Christianity, Islam, and Orthodox Judaism same sex preferences are a sin. People believe in procreation to repopulate the world, but are against gay marriage and homosexuals adopting children because they cannot procreate on their own. If this is a stand point on making or breaking gay marriage then only people who are fertile and want to procreate should be able to get married according to this bias. America has never really given gay marriage a chance, but they believe gay marriage will weaken its institution by leading to high divorce rates. On I read, “One reason legislatures are denying gay marriage is because they are fearful that opening the door to allowing gay marriages will open the door to polygamy as well. This would also mean reopening cases about polygamy in the past which they are not willing to do.” Others are fearful for children’s futures and they fear being raised by two fathers or by two mothers may compromise children’s mental capacities.

Even though to most people gay marriage should be illegal and should stay in its current state, I believe we need to change the world for future generations. We feared that different religions were going to clash, but now all of the religions coexist. White people had Black and Hispanic slaves, but we overcame the odds and now White men, Black men, and Hispanic men can be equals. If it is possible to overcome such fierce obstacles then we can overcome the boundary obstructing gay marriages and straight marriages alike. Gay marriage should be legalized for these reasons. Evolution will always continue and at any given point in time, something will occur that we will not like in this world, but we can overcome this. Gay marriage is a controversial issue that people have been fighting for years and it has finally come to the surface. We should take charge of it.

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This article has 85 comments.

on Feb. 18 2015 at 3:06 am
IvoryRoseBush, Elizabeth North, Other
0 articles 2 photos 1 comment
Where exactly in the Bible does it say God is against gay marriage? Also, where does it say that God is supportive of heterosexual marriage?

Allie2619 said...
on Feb. 17 2015 at 10:23 pm
It was written in August of 2010

Tweet said...
on Feb. 15 2015 at 7:54 pm
I couldn't help but notice you mentioned God and how marriage is a "gift from God", and yes, you could say it is. However, God is CLEARLY against gay marriage, which anyone who reads the Bible would know. Also, gay marriage may be compared to magnets. Opposites attract, and like sides repel. End of story.

mark123 said...
on Feb. 11 2015 at 12:46 pm
mark123, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
By saying God bless you, you are saying that there is a God and that you believe in him. But if you truly love God you would realize that by promoting gay marriage you are sinning. I do believe that God will still love you even if you are gay. But the question then will be do you love God? Because in Genesis 19 (24-25) the Bible says “The Lord rained down sulphurous fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah. He overthrew those cities and the whole Plain, together with the inhabitants of the cities and the produce of the soil." I believe this is hard evidence from the God you believe in that he dosent want you being homosexueal another verse in Mark 10 (6-7) says "From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife.” I hope that you can see that everything I am saying comes out of love and that I'm praying for you that God will lift the scales from your eyes and you can see right from wrong

Kaylaaaaa said...
on Jan. 28 2015 at 12:52 pm
When was this article written? I need to know if the facts are still correct..

cherry1234 said...
on Jan. 18 2015 at 6:45 pm
Hello I very much enjoyed this article and I'm planning on using this for information for my English paper. I need to cite it but i can't seem to find a date on when this was made or your name @AllieJo2619 if you could please provide me with that information it would be fabulous. thank you.

on Dec. 11 2014 at 11:52 am
I like how with everyone who liked it, people are still going to use someone elses paper. I hope you all that use this wonderful paper make sure to site the Name and author of this.

MrDubois123 said...
on Nov. 18 2014 at 5:59 pm
I really loved this essay made me feel like a plastic bag, drifting threw the wind, wanting to start again, HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Grammar Nazi said...
on Nov. 12 2014 at 12:28 am
*a lot   .......

on Nov. 6 2014 at 2:37 pm
This essay was great! Good job.

DarkyPMobian said...
on Jul. 17 2014 at 9:35 am
DarkyPMobian, Moncks Corner, South Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Our fate lies within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.&quot;<br /> -Princess Merida

This is a beautiful piece. Although it has some grammatical errors, they didn't detract from the meaning of the essay. 100% agreed. :)

on Jun. 3 2014 at 11:56 am
Gay marriage should totally be allowed if you love someone you should be able to express your feelings. and not be scared to.

on Jun. 2 2014 at 7:13 pm
Caitibug SILVER, Powell, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 10 comments
Wonderful article! I completely one hundred percent agree with you also!

Gustavo said...
on Apr. 29 2014 at 6:12 pm
I love it. I will will use it  for example in  class. Thank you.   

jessicalynn said...
on Apr. 2 2014 at 10:11 am
i loved this article it is soo true

on Mar. 25 2014 at 2:17 pm
This is a GREAT article ! i look forward to using it in my opposing veiwpoints paper for English

yayay12321 said...
on Mar. 17 2014 at 5:50 pm
im going to use this for my english class!

jaytrez said...
on Mar. 4 2014 at 12:25 pm
Do you still have that paper? I need assistence

lexisaur said...
on Jan. 30 2014 at 8:32 pm
Wonderful article. I believe I'm going to use some of these points in my argumentive piece I'm doing in English. I'll be sure to give credit to this article. Thank you very much.

rokayeteer said...
on Nov. 5 2013 at 11:03 pm
Good article, just a alot of grammatical errors.