Dear Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Dear Vietnam Veteran

May 2, 2019
By GatorXXI BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
GatorXXI BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

To start off, I would like to say what an honor it is to be writing to a honorable veteran. You represent what the country and I look at as a hero. You were selfless and you have helped shape this country into what it is today. This letter is to acknowledge you and your service to help this country.

My name is Alex P., I am a senior in High School. After watching the Honor Flight movie, I felt the passion and honor behind the whole trip and it reminded me of the time that I got to go to Washington D.C. in 8th grade. Both the video and my trip opened my eyes to all that a veteran could have done. All of the names on the wall, all of the statues everywhere, all signs of sacrifice.

I learned that you may have not gotten an initial or sincere “welcome home” from serving our country, which makes my stomach churn. All of the bravory that was never welcomed back into society, wasted. I want to give you that opportunity right now with this letter. I get a welcome home from school everyday and you didn’t get one from serving for this country.

I am incredibly thankful for what you did for this country years ago, it means a lot in my life. My grandpa was put into a boot camp when he was my age but never had to go out. It means a lot to write this letter to you who actually went out and served. I never got an opportunity to say thank you to someone in person, this letter is close enough. I have seven words for you, “Thank you for what you have done.” Thank you for your courage and bravery, it means a lot to me and a lot of other people in the United States that you stood up for us and this country.

If you are willing to share about the honor flight or anything you want, I would love to hear what you say! Thank you once again!


              Alex P.

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For a Vieetnam Veteran

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