The Right to Choose | Teen Ink

The Right to Choose

October 28, 2019
By 1devries BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1devries BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could vote, my mom wouldn’t spend her time working for cash keeping up jobs.  Coming home late every night from tutoring kids and trying to save money for us to go to college.  My siblings and I grew up knowing that if you wanted a car, to go to college, or a house, you were expected to get good grades, scholarships, and have a job. My mom could feel like she made a difference and that she helped us become the people we are today.  Rather she is forced to watch us grow and learn and the only thing she can do is make sure we are keeping up with homework.  

If I could vote, I could apply for a job and work after school to pay for my college.  I could be proud to call this place my home, instead im wishing for the day when I can go back and see my family again.  I could watch the debates with anticipation and hope, not turn the TV off because I pity myself for not having the opportunity 

If I could vote, I could feel pride when I stand and place my hand on my heart for the country I live in, instead of feeling like I am disrespecting the country I was born in.  I could have the choice to pick someone I want to run my country, I may not know who I want, or what to vote for but to have the opportunity is all I’m asking. If I could vote I might make a difference because this has been my home for 6 years and I deserve the right to choose. 

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