The Education System | Teen Ink

The Education System

January 1, 2023
By Adeenah_Zaheer BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
Adeenah_Zaheer BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Over the centuries we've adhered to the physical classrooms where we are made to by heart textual facts but has that ever made anything easier or helped us in the future? Of course not. Each year for about 15 years till we enroll in college with our desired course we are preferably laid-back to learn what the textbook states rather than learning moral values for a living. For instance, if a student is dedicated to designing buildings then why is he/she forced to learn integration in math? What does he/she ever have to do by learning how H2O is formed or how the Nazis took over Germany?

And likewise, there can be many more questions raised. Thus, students after a certain age should be free to choose the course that fits right for them, and the course provided by schools and universities should make sure to deliver the course with no pressure of unwanted subjects or topics but teach in depth about the chosen subject, this will reduce so much of unwanted information and cuts down the student's stress.

What I mean should not be confused with only dedication to your stream and no extracurricular activities. In fact, every student's hobbies must be respected and encouraged and steps must be taken to enable them to open up their inner talents to the world.

Now the question arises about how and who can fix these shortcomings in the educational system which has merely become a business in today's time. Well, it's none other than the officials, they should understand that along with smart rooms and projectors in classes there is a need to modernize the teaching methods according to the modernizing society so that students are not bound to become engineers or doctors but flourish their dreams with their deeds.

To sum up, I would like to say that each student is unique and wants to contribute to society in his/her way and that should be encouraged by the parents, and teachers and firmly supported by the education system.

The author's comments:

The classroom we all share, which educates us with a predetermined-particular syllabus from which we learn and write exams that are restrained to that syllabus is how our traditional classrooms work but is that enough to meet our essential needs? Is that all we can expect from the education system today? Is there room for changes, proper growth and enhancement?

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