What Matters | Teen Ink

What Matters

January 27, 2015
By Payton Frazier BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Payton Frazier BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What matters to me the most is playing sports. I love playing sports. I like playin baseball, basketball, and football. I have been playing sports for 6 years. I have been playing about all of my life.

  I love playing baseball. I have been playing baseball all of my life. I play every position on the field. I'm also a pretty good batter. I bat about 500 every year.

  I kinda like playing basketball. I'm not too good at basketball. But I still like playin it tho. I average about 6 points a game. But basketball ain't my favorite sport.

I love playin football. I am kinda good at football. I'm a prettier good punter. I like to play linebacker to I love to hit.

Now you see I love playin sports. I like football,basketball and baseball. I play about year around. So I have no time to do anything else.


                                                                           The End

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