Art World | Teen Ink

Art World

April 21, 2015
By JuanBorja BRONZE, Houston, Texas
JuanBorja BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The colors around you, the shapes, and all the details all around the world. All of these things are elements of art. Art is a beautiful thing that is popular in many parts of the world.Art isn’t just drawing, is in sculptures, paint, and it is a very ancient skill. Here at my school 9th we have a great program containing great artists and maybe some beginners. This is a very interesting thing learn if you like to do some of it. Ms. Webb the art teacher has many interesting information that can change your mind of how you think about the world. The first image you get about your art is that it looks very unpleasant, but after you learn many techniques such as shading and many others you feel better about your work. Once you know all the tactics you’ll see art so differently than before.


At my school. the program contains many activities many of those who would make you proud. In order to
make a great piece of art you have to put the determination in it. Some advice i got from the art teacher was that ‘’everyone has a different opinion, so they might not like the program; it all depends on their perspective.’’ Ms. Webb said. I agree with her and think it all matters on different thoughts each person has. On the other hand, some may really enjoy the things they do. Some things i can say is that being an artist makes you feel different, but it makes you feel better also. This program could be a helpful in many ways, so if you want to join go for it. It doesn't matter if you don't have the skills. With a little help you will accomplish.

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