Judgements | Teen Ink


April 27, 2015
By Anonymous

High schoolers put each other under microscope. If you don't fit into the ONE accepted mold of a person then you are going to have a hard time. Don't be fat but don't be too skinny. Don't be a skank but don't be a prude. Get a 4.0 but don't be a nerd. Don't be a cheat but don't be a snitch. Don't be like everyone else but don't be weird. Changed your mind about something lately? You're a hypocrite. We all do this harsh judging of one another. But I'm telling you that NONE of us actually fit into this mold.

Stop and think about what it would be like if you took your classmates out from under the microscope. Would you give the skank a chance at friendship? Maybe you'd join the nerd study group. Maybe the jock would join choir. Or maybe you would experiment with your outfits more if you knew you wouldn’t be harshly judged. Don’t think about what everyone else will think and find what YOU are passionate about. Now just think. Maybe if you don’t  judge you classmates, your classmates won’t judge you.

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