LGBT and Sexuality | Teen Ink

LGBT and Sexuality

March 11, 2016
By ..toriii BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
..toriii BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

What is love? The online definition for love is: “an intense feeling of deep affection,” that definition speaks a thousand words, but what does that feeling mean to you? Love to me is the feeling of affection, joy, and comfort you get or have with another person. Notice how in these definitions there were not any specific genders mentioned.   Love has no gender. You can show feelings toward anyone you want, men and woman alike.  Most people are close minded and ask, “Why would I want to love someone of my own gender, I’m going to be judged in every single way possible if I let my love be true.” Let that statement sink into your mind. If a person is wondering whether they should be who they really are, all because other people are so judgmental, then that is depressing.  The shackles of public opinion imprison so many.  Now, imagine yourself in their shoes, not wanting to tell people who you really love. Why is it that we judge different sexualities? Is it because these people aren’t “straight?”

Now picture in your head a world where being heterosexual (straight) is the “different” sexuality, and that being a member in the LGBT community is normal. You would hide your “secret,” be scared to show your feelings toward others, and most of all you would try to fit in by hiding your true self. You would feel like an outcast. If these people judged you the way you judged them you would feel useless, miserable, lonely, and become depressed. These feelings are alienating so the big question is, “why do we treat people with a different sexuality this way?”


We are all different in our own ways. Some people express their differences vibrantly while others hide their true self and only reveal themselves to a few trusted friends and family. We all need to accept each other because in the end we’re all human. We love different people, care for different things, and look up to different role models. If you love the opposite sex that’s amazing, and if you love the same sex that’s also amazing. Even if you’re still figuring things out that is also okay.  Confidence is becoming, and having confidence means forgetting what others say to hurt you.  You are you, and that’s all you can ever be.  Love has no gender.  Love has no rules.  Love conquers all.

The author's comments:

The LGBT community have witnessed a lot of harassment. we need to find justice and accept each other for who we really are.

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