All Good Things Must Come to an End | Teen Ink

All Good Things Must Come to an End

March 27, 2023
By Anonymous

This year, I had a great summer where I made many new friends, had new experiences and a lot of fun. The greatest thing about this summer was trying things I hadn’t done before, specifically going out more in a bigger friend group than usual, consisting of old friends and new friends I had made this summer.

It was all very exciting, even simply going to the beach with everyone was tremendous for me, I felt like I was living in a movie because everything was so fun, after all it was summer, and I didn’t have any worries.

This group of people I had become very fond became my number one priority regarding friendships, I somewhat left behind any other people I used to talk to daily, which I later came to regret and looking back in retrospective was very selfish of me, to forget people simply because I had made new friends.

As splendid as summer was, it had to come to an end, which meant I would be seeing these people less, no more hanging out every day from morning to midnight, it meant I had to focus on other things now, more important things, with school starting. Regardless, I would still see my friends even with the beginning of school, a new school even, we would regularly make time for each other and meet up a few times a week.

I was glad because I didn’t want to fall out with these people so quickly, I wanted our friendships to last.

Our friend group was quite large, this made it a lot more fun sometimes but needless to say, this also presented its flaws, people will always be left out in these cases, not everyone will be happy. This was all proved to me when things happened that made me realize, that after all, maybe I had created the idea of such an amazing friendship with everyone and it hadn’t been like that with everybody, so as might be expected this resulted in what I feared and I couldn’t do anything about it, I started not speaking with some people and we all started falling out.

Perhaps this what was meant to happen from the beginning, and my friendship with everyone new wasn’t meant to last, people often times prove themselves to be what you hadn’t thought they were, you can’t force yourself to become a friend to anyone, I have learned from everything that has come about that something can be exceptional and you have to enjoy it for the time being, not dwell on it after it has started to come to its end.

This all applied to my experience this summer and helped me understand to accept something great and also accept its downfall because not everything is meant to last forever on the contrary, some of the best things are just the experiences we have along the way that come to ends, and help us more in our way to finding better things.

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