101 Things to do When You Are Grounded | Teen Ink

101 Things to do When You Are Grounded

January 26, 2011
By dyarzx95 BRONZE, Wills Point, Texas
dyarzx95 BRONZE, Wills Point, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
this life is the one that you make it -- Skillet

This is a book of things you can do when you are grounded. This book is intended to be helpful; it is not just a time-passer. When you are finished with this book, you will probably have already served your grounding.
When faced with being grounded, there are 101+ things you can do. I have listed only 101. These 101 things are only helpful if you are grounded, not if you are bored. When you are ungrounded, keep this book for future groundings, if you have any.

101 Things to do When You’re Grounded is a list of chores and fun things that you could do when faced with groundings. Please enjoy. Also, try not to get into any more trouble.


Zachary S. Dyar

Read a Book.
This is a favorite past time for all generations. Try these authors:

Dean Koontz, Steven King, or Tom Clancy.
Draw a Picture.
Drawing, more commonly referred to as “doodling”, is always fun if you are grounded. Try using your imagination to come up with your best ideas!
Write a short story.
Here is a sample writing prompt: Write a short story about a teenager who is grounded. Also, he/she is awaiting trial for armed robbery.
Clean your room.
I told you in the beginning, this book has chores too.
Take out the dog.
Animals need to pee too!
Wash some laundry.
You can always use a clean shirt.
Build a Lego mansion.
While difficult, this is very time consuming and not to mention fun.
Feed the animals.
The dog is a living thing, you know!
Clean the kitchen
Yes, this includes the dishes.
Write a graphic Novel.
This is very challenging. I mean, can you draw 100 – 250 pages of cartoons?
Work out.
You could always lose a few pounds.
Charge your phone.
You probably can’t use it. It is running on a battery, though, so it needs to be charged anyway.
Clean out the litter box.
Who likes the smell of drying poop?
Polish your church shoes.
Make ‘em shine!
Brush your teeth.
Protect against cavities! You will need those teeth someday!
Take out the trash.
Before it overflows!
Wash the baseboards.
If you have white carpet, the baseboards really stand out.
Check the mailbox.
You never know what bills your parents are paying until you’ve seen their mail.
Write an apology letter to whoever grounded you.
It was probably your parents, so go ahead and suck up to them.
Type up a family newsletter.
Keep the family posted on your grades, appointments, and more!
Clean the garage.
This includes getting the grease off of the concrete.
Wash the car.
Soapy water can be fun too.
Give the animals a bath.
They deserve good hygiene just as much as the next guy.
Take a bath.
This is a time when you can relax and daydream to your heart’s desire.
Clean the bathroom.
Go ahead and suck up some more!
Clean the living room.
Even more sucking up.
Write a report on how you got grounded and what you will do differently from now on.
I know that this sounds boring, but it will enhance your writing ability.
Write a novel about a teenager who got grounded for robbing a store and is awaiting trial.
More writing practice for the budding writer.
So you can pass all of your classes.
Draw a picture of your room.
This is good practice for illustrating your writings.
Take a nap.
So that you can dream up your next essay.
If you can, go outside and pick up the back yard.
This will get you on your parents’ good sides.
Dust all of the shelves in your house.
So that you can stop sneezing.
Look for change in the couch.
Then, after you collect all of it, put it in a jar and save it.
Clean out your backpack.
So that you can look fresh and clean even if you haven’t showered in a week.
Organize your desk.
This is a task for the neatest of the neat. If you clean your desk, you can write/draw as you please.
Gaze out of the window and start to daydream.
So that you can write whatever you think of.
Think about what you did wrong.
This is probably what your parents have told you anyway.
Build a model car.
If you are the violent type, take a bat and smash it when you are done building it.
Build a model airplane.
The same applies as above.
If you are allowed, text your friends.
You probably can’t do this anyway, but try to get away with it. Get caught, and get more time added.
Clean the windows in your room.
So that you can see out of them to daydream.
Lint brush all of your clothes.
You can’t look good with dog hair all over you.
Have a family game night.
Grab Monopoly and beat your parents!
If you are allowed, play your game system.
I know that when I was grounded, I was allowed to play PS2. So ask your parents if you can play your game system.
If you are allowed, watch a movie.
This is a great time-passer. My favorites are on Comedy Central.
Polish the model car that you built.
This is just so that it looks good.
Have an ice cream eating contest with your mom.
This makes you and her both happy.
Play with hot wheels cars.
This may seem childish to some, but it will pass the time a lot faster than just sitting there.
If you are allowed, Google your house address.
If your computer privileges are revoked for the time being, sorry about your bad luck.
Eat a bowl of trail mix.
Trail mix is fun to make and eat.
Drink plenty of water.
This probably sounds like something that your health teacher told you yesterday in class. This is just something healthy to do while you are grounded.
Do your homework.
You can never learn too much algebra.
Write down your New Year’s Resolution for next year.
This seems like something you would do in December, but you can get a head start this way.
Imagine what the world will look like in 400 years, and then write about what you think.
Just another writing prompt for all of you budding writers.
Listen to the radio.
If you are allowed to do this, then great! If not, that sucks.
Organize your room.
So that your parents can see how mature you are.
Clean the computer keyboard.
So that you can type in that favorite letter combination, “Facebook.com”
If you are allowed, call your friends.
Just to tell them not to text you. In case your parents have threatened to take away your phone.
Find out when you are ungrounded, and then mark it on your calendar.
So that you can count down the days until freedom.
Wash your hands.
Personal hygiene is always a must!
Bring your journal out and start writing about your day.
Who knows, you may write down something that you could use in a story someday.
Ask your parents if you can go to the store for them.
This is a good way to get out of the house.
Wax the car.
After you wash it, of course!
Build with Linking Logs.
Something for the first-time grounded youngsters out there.
Rewrite the first twenty pages of the dictionary.
This is very time consuming and extremely boring!
Color in a coloring book.
So that you can show your mom that you can color inside the lines now.
Sharpen all of your pencils.
Or you could just disturb the class with that loud grinding noise.
Stock up on school supplies.
So that you never run out of paper to doodle on in math class.
Clean your laptop.
So that you can type with ease. Do as needed.
Wash your shoes.
Wash away all that mud from recess.
Clean the bathtub.
A clean tub is way better than bathing in your own filth.
Clean the toilet.
So that you can make it dirty again after chili night.
Clean all sinks.
After the dishes are done, scrub the sink so that no food remains in the drain.
Cook dinner for your parents.
Sucking up times three!
Save all of your money for when you get ungrounded.
That is, if you are still getting an allowance.
Cut your fingernails.
Another personal hygiene matter.
Wash under your fingernails.
After you clip them, wash under your fingernails for the topmost cleanliness.
Clip your toenails.
This comes with the territory of clipping fingernails.
Do a soduko puzzle.
Even though you will never get the right placement of the numbers.
Do origami.
Fun, easy, and time consuming.
Do paper mache balloons.
These are very hard to fcraft.
Walk the dog again.
They have to go out more than once a day, you know.
If you are allowed, clean your parents’ room.
Just so that you can suck up some more.
Read a magazine.
If you don’t have any, order some offline.
Write a magazine article on being grounded.
I did this while I was grounded.
Change the baby’s diaper.
If you have one.
Read your journal, and then correct all mistakes in spelling, grammar, ect.
Kind of self-explanatory.
List all the reasons you got grounded for, then put them into a short story.
Another writing prompt.
Give your parents a hug.
For ages twelve and under.
Try to get off for good behavior.
I try this every time I am grounded.
Listen to what your parents tell you.
And don’t judge their judgment.
NEVER do anything without asking first.
This is the number one rule of being grounded.
If you are allowed, go on a jog.
Exercise is the key to happiness.
Charge your iPod.
If you still have it.
Play with the dog.
They enjoy the attention.
Rearrange all of your posters.
Remember, use tape, not thumbtacks.
Make your bed.
So that your parents can say that they have “never seen that before.”
Make your mom’s bed.
She probably hasn’t done it since she was grounded herself.
Give your mom and dad a card saying that you are sorry.
Suck up a wee bit more.
Make your own list of things to do when…
You get the picture!

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This article has 165 comments.

Leh said...
on Jan. 21 2024 at 4:35 pm
Leh, Cheyenne, Wyoming
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Help I’m grounded for a month for talking to people online, what should I do

Olivia11 said...
on Nov. 4 2023 at 12:04 pm
Olivia11, Kenosha, Wisconsin
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
hellppp im grounded for a year!! All I have to do is eat sleep go to pt get my leg all fixed up and get back on skates for figure skating. if you wanna talk find my ig at olivialovesanim3

ACE_OneShot said...
on Jan. 17 2022 at 1:39 pm
ACE_OneShot, West Covina, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
First comment in 2022 Got grounded for a week and they took away basically all my privileges :(

on Mar. 23 2021 at 8:06 pm
Tj_Tomboy_122, Bryant, Arkansas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
salt and sugar look the same

@bradyboy well you can make a new friend on here and talk to them and what i do bc im grounded i sometimes sneak out but u maybe should not do that bc you may get grounded longer but...i talk to my crush on zoom and he makes time go faster i guess and you can learn how to do something new in your interest's maybe redecorate your room or something sorry if im saying boring stuff lmao

bradyboy said...
on Feb. 28 2021 at 1:54 pm
bradyboy, Pochantas, Arkansas
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
so if you can see how much k are there and right below this comment

bradyboy said...
on Feb. 28 2021 at 1:53 pm
bradyboy, Pochantas, Arkansas
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments

bradyboy said...
on Feb. 28 2021 at 1:44 pm
bradyboy, Pochantas, Arkansas
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
im grounded because my grades are low the bad part is that is am grounded from everything the only thing i am allowed to do is do chores take showers eat sleep that's all i am allowed to do i have done everything on this list 5 times so times 5 to all of this 501 or something else i am bad at math so yeah but if any one has any help at getting me to have more fun during my prison sentence please comment at the bottom at this post

lovelil_lee said...
on Feb. 26 2021 at 11:56 pm
lovelil_lee, Watervliet, New York
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
all lives cannot matter untill black lives matter

I have no idea when I am getting ungrounded and I also dont know when I am getting my phone back

Eggleman32 said...
on Feb. 12 2021 at 10:42 am
Eggleman32, Revere, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Well, This Helped! (I'm 13)Now I just have to learn how to do dishes

on Jan. 15 2021 at 4:51 pm
mofistatmango, Lincoln, Nebraska
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I'm grounded until my step-mom stops being mad...might be a while...

emilyd668 said...
on Jan. 15 2021 at 9:28 am
emilyd668, Burlington, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
when you casually just got grounded and have no one but the guy who is obsessed with you-

on Nov. 23 2020 at 6:48 pm
krystalscareer, Horizon City, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
me reading this comments and me knowing that idk when im going to be ungrounded 👁️👄👁️

Nikekid said...
on Oct. 10 2020 at 4:46 pm
Nikekid, Vero Beach, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
@Dude1 yea same here I'm grounded for 6 or 5 months but I hope I get ungrounded early

on Sep. 29 2020 at 11:40 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

glad ive never been grounded, sounds boring. tho quarintine is basicly a giant nationwyde grounding. am i weird cuz i already reoragnize my desk lyke every other day? i cant clean my room tho, it already gleams. as to personal hygenne, hah!!! i wear a tank top under my shyrt and occasionaly dress all day every day awake or asleep and sometyes, bathing(whych i only do every other month). and my tank to is lucky if it gets washed once a year, tho i dyd have to swytch from my sweat and body oder colored one to a blac one 3 or 4 months ago or rysk cmpletly destroying the once whyte one. alas.

Okboomer777 said...
on May. 8 2020 at 8:54 pm
Okboomer777, Paso, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
anybody here from 2020??? but yeah i got grounded still am and i might get off grounding on mothers day this Sunday so lets pray lol also add me on Xbox @ Ok boomer777

cloemarie555 said...
on Apr. 17 2020 at 3:14 pm
cloemarie555, Buna, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
@ry_bateman14 im using my school laptop to my parents were so mad that my dad uses a sledge hammer to beat my phone because i deleted my snap chat and Instagram and i forgot the password like i cant help what i forget

cloemarie555 said...
on Apr. 17 2020 at 3:14 pm
cloemarie555, Buna, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
@ry_bateman14 im using my school laptop to my parents were so mad that my dad uses a sledge hammer to beat my phone because i deleted my snap chat and Instagram and i forgot the password like i cant help what i forget

cloemarie555 said...
on Apr. 17 2020 at 3:14 pm
cloemarie555, Buna, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
@ry_bateman14 im using my school laptop to my parents were so mad that my dad uses a sledge hammer to beat my phone because i deleted my snap chat and Instagram and i forgot the password like i cant help what i forget

cloemarie555 said...
on Apr. 17 2020 at 3:14 pm
cloemarie555, Buna, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
@ry_bateman14 im using my school laptop to my parents were so mad that my dad uses a sledge hammer to beat my phone because i deleted my snap chat and Instagram and i forgot the password like i cant help what i forget

cloemarie555 said...
on Apr. 17 2020 at 3:14 pm
cloemarie555, Buna, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
@ry_bateman14 im using my school laptop to my parents were so mad that my dad uses a sledge hammer to beat my phone because i deleted my snap chat and Instagram and i forgot the password like i cant help what i forget