To My Surprize | Teen Ink

To My Surprize

June 15, 2008
By Anonymous

On a warm and sticky night
a creeping noise as sharp
as a razor blade
came from the closet
The pick of the walls
like glistening glitter were closing in
My imagination creating
monsters coming to exterminate me
as the cover goes
over my head i wounder
how muck time i have left
i was as sure as death
and taxes someone was there
tears rolling down my cheeks
dripping like bullets
The white blanket covered
with flowers as smooth as silk
creating a sheild
tring to creep away
from the nutralizing monster
I peek threw the corner
of the covers like a snug
bug in a rug
when i was dimintive
I believed
the luminosity went on

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This article has 1 comment.

aurtor said...
on Aug. 25 2008 at 1:05 pm
i love this poem. it should toattally be in the paper