Only the good die young | Teen Ink

Only the good die young

June 4, 2008
By Anonymous

Only the good die young. Rebeckha was a perfect example of that saying, and nobody would disagree.

"She always put everyone else before herself. She was the sweetest girl and she is greatly missed and loved,” said one of her best friends.

Two days after her death, a candle vigil was held for her at the scene of the crash. By the number of people who attended, it’s clear that Becky touched many lives during her 17 years.

“She was a doll. She is very loved and missed,” said her guidance counselor.

Growing up, Rebeckha participated in all types of activities. She was a cheerleader for a pre-teen football league, and everybody in the organization knew who she was. She was an outstanding rider and competed in equestrian competitions. Her love for them continued throughout her life. During her three years of high school, Becky played field hockey, ran track, was a cheerleader, and played freshman basketball.

Besides her hobbies, Becky worked at the Briggs Corner Pizzeria and the Hollister store.

Even though she was taken from us far too early, Becky continues to live on in our hearts every day. Although we can no longer feel the light she radiated,we will never forget its warmth.

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