ESSAY TIME!!!!!! | Teen Ink


May 21, 2013
By OVER90000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
OVER90000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The date: May 17th, 2013. The mission: write a 300 word essay about any school appropriate topic. I had no ideas, time was running out. Suddenly inspiration hit me in the face like a brick! I started typing words, faster and faster the words were flowing like a waterfall. Next thing I knew I was past 50 words already. I stop, OH NO WRITER’S BLOCK!!!!!!! I can feel my brain turning into jelly, oh the humanity. I tell Cole to punch me in the face; it’s the only thing that will make me focus on my essay. He pretended to punch me in the face; we both shared a good laugh. What to do? What to do? Meanwhile next to me, Addison is having major problems writing this very same essay. He seems to have writer’s block. Cole chimes in; “This summer coming to a theater near you Addison has…Writer’s Block!” I laughed as he says it in his movie voice. I attempt the same voice but I narrate my essay. “Pretty good I say to myself.” As I take a look at my word count I notice it is at 191 words. I fist pump, I am almost done. I ask Cole what his essay is about. He tells me to come read it. I lost focus, for some read I hit myself in the face and made strange noises while doing so. I start to type again, but this time with no particular meaning only to see how fast I can type. After typing the word type I realized how stupid that was and stop. I sing out loud “I’m at 267 words.” Thankfully nobody noticed I am an awful singer. I just realized this is one huge paragraph. OH NOOOOOOOOO! And that is how you write an essay!

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