Homelessness | Teen Ink

Homelessness MAG

By Anonymous

   I think homelessness will never be eliminated. It may decrease, but there is no way we can wipe it out entirely.

Homelessness is caused by poverty. A person might lose his/her job, and can't find another one. Then they are evicted for not being able to pay their rent or mortgage. Once a person is evicted, they may not be able to find a place to live. Overcrowding in some areas can cause more problems than you think.

For starters, I think communities could begin to decrease homelessness by supplying the homeless with necessities - food, shelter and medical care. More shelters should be built, not only by the government, but by private organizations. Programs could be started by non-profit organizations. One idea could be Adopt-a-Homeless-Person (or any other name) which work like this: one could go to a shelter and select someone to "adopt." They would take home the homeless person(s) and bathe, clothe, and feed them. They could then help the person to find a job and get back on their feet.

Other people who don't want to or can't bring a stranger into their home could start drives. The homeless need things like canned and boxed food, warm clothes, blankets, and personal hygiene supplies.

Shelters wash their clothes and bathe them, but they need things to do that with; soap, detergent, shampoo, and feminine hygiene products.

People need to start working together and treating each other with love, kindness, and respect. Otherwise, nothing can be done for anyone. n

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

Aderes47 GOLD said...
on Mar. 16 2011 at 3:44 pm
Aderes47 GOLD, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. <br /> Henry Drummond

I like the best way to combat homelessness in this country is to do not only do what you said, but provide jobs.