My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

November 18, 2019
By softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
softballgirl333 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you hear accounting class, you might think boring (yawn), but if you know Mr. Brester you will smile. My sophomore year at Arrowhead High School, I took accounting, I looked for a class to fill a credit and thought why not, it can’t be that hard. Within the first two weeks I realized I was wrong on two accounts; not only is accounting much more complex than I thought, but it was also one of the best classes I’d ever taken. This wasn’t because I suddenly loved accounting it was due to Mr. Brester, the teacher. 

Usually the first hour class is the worst; everyone is tired and grumpy, but that wasn’t true for me. I looked forward to coming to class to learn from Mr. Brester and master my accounting skills. He made it fun. With accounting games and videos and different types of classroom activities I didn’t bore in his class and I was constantly learning even if I didn’t know it. He knew when to be serious and when to joke around—with the worst accounting jokes ever. I was so sad when I finished accounting that year, I signed up for college accounting my junior year. 

Not only is Mr. Brester the best accounting teacher, but he is also a great person. He cares about his students and makes sure they know it. He knows everyone by name and knows about them, whether it’s the sport they play or the job they work. He says hello to everyone in the hallways. Standing outside his doorway before each class, he greets kids as they are walking to class or walking in his room. Even though I am not lucky enough to have him as my teacher this year, he still makes sure to say hello and ask how I am doing every time we see each other. 

Mr. Brester knew when I was having a bad day, and he asked what was wrong and tried to get me to laugh. He was understanding and would help with anything he could. 

While college accounting was not a class I struggled with I know many who did and Mr. Brester made sure to build in time for extra examples or individual one on one time for students. If he could tell we were struggling with a unit we would spend more time on it. He listened to opinions and make sure to consider them when making decisions and deadlines. 

I want to say thank you to Mr. Brester not only for being an extraordinary person and an energetic teacher, but for also being the teacher I can go to if I need to talk to someone. While I may have not liked accounting before, it is now one of my favorite classes. So thank you, Mr. Brester; I appreciate everything you do and everything you have done for me. 

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